Preparing for the show?

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Chapter eleven

Everyday was the same...Getting up early in the morning to eat a wonderful breakfast from Henry, who was very pleased to see that Dark was acting calmer and friendlier after their journey at the lost woods, then hours of training and last but not least, learning at the library. It wasn't easy for (Y/N), especially with the thoughts of the great ball, which was coming closer and closer with each day.

She was surprised to see so many servants at the castle. Rushing around to decorate every corner and the delicious smell of food. Smiling brightly she reached the throne hall and had to chuckle after seeing Dark sitting in his ruler chair. He looked like a mess. His hair was standing in every direction and the buttons of his shirt were closed wrong. It looked adorable and sad at the same time. She knew he wasn't sleeping well these days. His servants needed him to prepare everything right. There were many questions and he got really annoyed and pissed to deal with that topic. If he had to answer one more question about a cake, he would destroy the whole castle and just get lost in the woods to have piece.

His look was directed to his wine glas that he filled up till the top, drifting away in his thoughts. (Y/N) was now next to him and watched him amused. ''And just because of a party....'', she chuckled and enjoyed his appearance.

''Yeah laugh as long as you can....'', he slurred and took a gulp from his glas. ''You know that it is 8 in the morning? Do you eat anything before you start to drink?'', she asked in a demanding tone.

''Don't ask me any questions...'', he started and realized that his buttons were wrong. Slowly he started to open them. (Y/N) coughed to show him that he wasn't alone and stop his actions, but he didn't care. Female servants giggled of their master's behaviour. He always acted so strong and serious. To see their master in this drunken state was something rare. Normally he would hide in his library. The cherry on top was that they could admire his trained body.

Giving (Y/N) an annoyed glance, he stopped opening his buttons or better he gave up, because he was to tired, and sighed deeply. ''And to answer one question, because it's you, i started drinking a long time agoooo.'', he huffed and took another gulp. (Y/N)'s eyes widened. ''Dark are you drunk?!'', she asked shocked and couldn't believe it. Now that she thought of it, his look was different and it seemed that he wasn't able to get up. He also wasn't shouting back after complaining of his drinking.

''Oh (Y/N), (Y/N), (Y/N)...i already said that you have to stop to ask me questions...What is wrooong with you?!'', he sang in an adorable way.

(Y/N) wasn't sure what to do next. ''I think today we have no training...'', she thought and giggled after he started to get up, but failed.

''Lady (Y/N), i have to say sorry in the name of our Master. As you can see, he isn't in a good mood today...'', Henry appeared by her side and gave her an uneasy look. ''Henryyy!! Good to see you! How is life going?'', Dark smiled brightly. It was frightening.

''Henry...what is going on here?'', she whispered and couldn't find the words to describe this scene.

''Well yesterday after you left to get your rest. I had to discuss with him what we do for the ball. It made him really frustrated and he started to drink...'', Henry explained.

''Just let him be. He will black out after drinking too much. It's always the same with him..'', he added and laughed, enjoying this moment. (Y/N) wasn't sure if this would be a good idea. Not only that he would get a bad hangover afterwards, but also, because she was afraid of his health.

''Dark, stop that drinking and go to bed!'', she ordered and took the glas out of his hand. Dark watched her with puppy dog eyes. ''(Y/N) noooooo. Not my drink....pleaseeee....i can handle that...'', he pleaded.


Then it happened something nobody could believe. Slowly Dark got up from his chair. Still a bit shaky, but he got it. And started to head torwards his room. ''Fine! I will go.'', he growled annoyed, but it still was adorable. With his shirt open and messy hair, he looked like he was on a party for days. Avoiding to look on his trained body, she tried to look strong and superior. Suddenly he stopped by her side and hugged her out of nowhere. Frozen like a stone after feeling his bare chest, she let out a squeal and got red like a tomato.

''Dark, what are servants....''

''I do what you say, (Y/N)...i go to bed, but not without youuuu!'', he cooed sweetly and started to head upstairs, pulling his lovely girl with him. She tried to get out of his grip, but she was too weak. Her head was on alarm with thousands of scenarios. Henry chuckled and let the two lovebirds go on.

After entering his room he let go of her and fall face first in his bed, grumbling some words. (Y/N) stood in the room like a fool. Should she lay beside him? Or just leave? He was drunk. Would it be wrong to sleep with him in one bed? It was sure that Dark didn't know what he was doing.

''Please...(Y/N)...i can't sleep for days...sleep with me...'', he pleaded.

She relaxed after hearing his sweet and calming voice. She couldn't say no and leave him alone like that. She rushed to her room and put on her sleeping dress. Nervous she came back to Dark's room, who was already calling for her.

''(Y/N)........where are youuuuu....don't leave me.....''

''I know i am a terrible person....god i hate myself for shouting so much...''

She had to surpress a laugh and enjoyed his emotional outburst. She stood beside his bed and watched his form.

''She is soooo lovely and soooo beautiful....i don't deserve heerrrrr'', he whispered and fell into a deep slumber. "That was quick", she thought and wanted to stroke his cheek.

Suddenly he lifted his head and watched her with a serious expression. Eyes widened she stopped.

''Hellooooo (Y/N)! What are you doing here?'', he asked confused.

"Is he sober now? That couldn't be!",she whispered confused.

''Dark you brought me here.'', she answered uneasy.

''Oh that's interesting. Why did i do that?'', he said more to himself than to her. (Y/N) was stunned of his drunken state.

''Okay, Dark you brought me here. You get some sleep.'', she explained exhausted.

''Oh..and you just came along? How naughty of you, (Y/N). I like it. Come here!'', he cheered and rolled to his back and opened his arms to get a hug from her.

''Dark!'', she growled, but changed after seeing him in this adorable state. She got to his side and hugged him tightly.

''That's my girl.....'', he whispered and relaxed at her touch. Their position was comforting and in an instant he fell in a long needed slumber. Releaved that he fell asleep, (Y/N) snuggled closer to his chest and waited for her sleep to take over.

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