New opportunities

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Chapter four

''It's so cold...'', (Y/N) thought and watched her surroundings. She was locked in a dark and dirty cell, not knowing for how long. Afraid and shivering, because of her lack of clothes, she leaned against the wall and hid her face in her hands, crying silently.

Why was life so cruel? She was happy and everything was alright. Her father was so proud of her and now? She was taken away from her home to become a monster for Ganondorf. To betray her home, the kingdom of Hyrule and get informations for the king of evil. ''No..i will never work for him...why didn't he just kill me....'', she thought, but was there another way? Another option? Only death came to her mind, but could she kill herself? It was easy to talk back and to look confident in front of her enemies. To say she would die before becoming a spy, sounded easy to her at first and now she was too afraid to take her plan into action. ''Oh father...what should i do?...i know you are dissappointed..i should have attack him..not get captured..'', she whispered and again tears rolled down her beautiful face.

''You think this would have been better?'', a deep voice echoed through her cell and let her hold her breath. She watched every corner and stopped at two familiar red eyes. In an instant her fear vanished and was replaced by a warm feeling in her stomach. ''It's him...'', she thought. These blood red eyes were haunting her. Never in her life was somebody able to let her feel this way, but it was wrong. He was an enemy, but she wasn't afraid. Could she trust him?

''It would be better than this...waiting for my end..'', (Y/N) whispered and avoid eye contact. She could hear footsteps coming closer to her form. ''I have to say, you are really an idiot, giving up like that after surviving Ganondorf's anger.'', he said in a mocking tone. Anger started to rise and let her snap her head back up. Dark Link was leaning against a wall and watching her weak form on the floor, a smirk on his handsome face. He knew that these words would let her anger rise. ''What do you want?'', she hissed.

''Like i expected. You are really easy to read, (Y/N)...'', he explained, his eyes focused on her beautiful ones. The way her name rolled over his lips let her shudder.

''Easy to read. You don't know anything about me!'', she shouted and tried to look strong, but her weak form showed her true condition.

''Oh i know everything. You are a spoiled little girl who never has to work hard. Explore the land and think that she can handle everything, also the army of Ganondorf.'', he said and started to walk around, his hands folded behind his back. (Y/N) didn't know what to say. In some ways he was right... She wasn't working hard in her life and could do what she wanted...Was that wrong? She enjoyed the nature and helped her father at his farm, but most of her time she spend at her hobbies.

''Am i right? Sure i am right. I am always right.'', he said to himself and smiled his demonic smile. This let her explode. ''Oh you think you are so great! Dressed all in black and look so cool. Came here to watch the weak woman who tried to fight back and you couldn't believe it the time we met. You couldn't find the fighter at first and made a mistake so you don't know everything! You underestimate me!'', she said and showed her most angry expression she could do. Some minutes passed and Dark didn't show any emotions and didn't move. She got uncomfortable and feared that she said too much. He was much stronger than her and she had no weapon.

Suddenly a laugh escaped the dark warrior's lips and surprised the young girl. ''Really, what is going on in your mind? Speaking to me like that...'', he started. (Y/N) couldn't comprehend what happened next. In an instant she was pushed against the wall, grabbed by her collar and lifted up in the air. The sudden move let her squeal and her eyes widened. His face was just inches apart from hers and she could feel his hot breath against her reddened cheeks.

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