What have you become

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Chapter seventeen

''Oh by the goddesses...how will this end...'', (Y/N) thought nervous and watched her surroundings shocked. She was riding on a beautiful horse next to the princess, followed by hundreds of Soldiers of the Hyrule army. ''Are you ready (Y/N)?'', Zelda asked serious.

Was she ready to meet her beloved lover after what happened? What will he do?

''To be honest, no!'', she answered nervous and got a symphatic look back.

''We will handle that. He has to be arrested. Okay before we start we have to wait till he is here. God if he overslept again i will arrest him too.'', she grumbled angry.

''Who?'', (Y/N) asked curious.

''Arrest me? After all i have done for your kingdom? How charming!'', a voice appeared and a young man, clothed in green attended the two.

''Link, thank the goddesses. Don't play around. We have to go now. He is attacking again.'', Zelda ordered and they started to leave.

(Y/N) was surprised to see the hero in real. He looked exactly like Dark, but in a way different. His expression wasn't strained, more happier.

''You must be (Y/N)! Nice to meet you.'', a little voice pulled her back to reality and was met with a cute little fairy. They started to chat and in an instant they become friends. ''Link and i were curious about you and how you made it that Dark showed his soft side, but now that i see you in real, it has to be your beauty and kindness! Zelda told us how sweet and beautiful you are and after that, Link was more excited to see you. I think he will be jealous of Dark!'', Navi the fairy squealed and jumped up and down.

''Navi! God, don't embarrass me like that!'', a male voice joined their conversation and (Y/N) was met with beautiful blue eyes and a shy smile from Link.

''I am so sorry for her behaviour. Nice to meet you (Y/N). Sadly it's not the best moment.'', he started and watched her saddened expression worried.

''Don't worry...i am glad that i could end this now. I was running away for too long. I have to speak with him about us and find a way to stop him.'', she explained.

''I am surprised that Dark found someone like you and showed you kindness. I tried everything to stop him and tried to release him from Ganondorf's army, but it was hopeless. He always started a fight and saw me as his counterpart, but he didn't have to think that. He is my shadow, we could be like brothers.'', Link said angry and in the distance they could see the village, which was already burning.

Link sighed deeply and gave (Y/N) an ashamed look. ''I am so sorry that i wasn't there...you wouldn't had to suffer so much, if i was there and helped you.''

"You are the complete opposite of Dark",she said smiling and let Link blush crimson red. "And i can't believe that Dark got you. Oh forget that.. ", Link said back embarrassed.

(Y/N) took his hand and gave it a little squeeze. ''It's okay Link, it was my fate and after all i found the love of my life...'', she explained and rode forward to enter the burning village. Link watched her with flaming cheeks. ''Oh now we are jealous.'', a high pitched voice pulled him back from his daydreaming. ''I....no...be quiet Navi..somebody could hear you!'', he hissed back and followed (Y/N). He was worried about her. He knew Dark's temper all too well, if he changed and got insane, she could be in danger.

Screaming people ran past the young beauty and the view remembered her of Kakariko, but it was more terrifying. Blood on walls and streets, dead bodies lied in every corner of the village and houses were burning down. It was completely destroyed. (Y/N) stopped and jumped from her horse. Wearing her sword and black tunic with red pants she felt ready to meet him. Slowly she followed a trail of blood and knew all to well that this work will lead her to him.

''My...My...what have we here?'', a dark voice let her stop in her tracks. It sounded deep and dangerous. A cold shiver ran down her neck and her body was frozen in the spot. She followed the voice and came to an dark alley. Two familiar red eyes appeared in the darkness, but they were different in a way. Glowing blood red, strained, haunted she could see that he wasn't the man she used to know. Slowly he came out of his hideout, his white locks messy and bloody, his expression cold and empty, his dark black tunic wet from the blood of innocent people, but what shocked her the most was the crying and sobbing woman in his grip. Step after step he came closer to her, his victim dragging along by her hair, shouting for help and pain.

''Dark i am here....because...'', she started, but couldn't find the words. Stuttering and shivering of fear she took a few steps back, but he was quicker.

''Are you afraid of me?'', he whispered seductively and took her chin with two fingers. (Y/N) looked deep into his eyes which showed her anger and coldness. For minutes nobody said a word or moved. She was captured by his touch. At that moment she knew that running away from this man was useless. He could kill thousands of people, act cruel and torture her, but still she would love him more than anything. His expression soften for a moment after he saw her tears.

''Please help me....'', the woman cried out and let the two get back to their senses. His look never left hers, but the sudden sound of cracking bones let her gasp and look down to the woman, which stopped her wimpering and was now a lifless victim in his grip.

"Do you love me now?", he asked cold.

"Would you stay by my side after i killed innocent creatures of your light realm?", he smirked and slowy he came closer and licked her cheek to taste her tears. (Y/N) couldn't believe what he become and was on the verge of breaking down, but she knew that this wouldn't help Dark. He was captured by his rage and she had to stand against it.

" I still love you, because that is what i promised you at the Lost woods.", she answered shaken and touched his chest to feel his heartbeat. Slowly she leaned to his face and gave him a quick kiss on his cold cheek. Dark watched her shocked and jumped back.

"No No No lies only lies!", he started to shout angry.

"You left me! You run away from me! You promised me that you would never leave me...", furious he smashed the dead woman against a wall and took a knife out of his bag.

"I know... But Dark it was my father.. The only family I had. He meant the world to me..", (Y/N) started with tears in her eyes.

Dark stopped for a moment and sighed deeply. "I know... How stupid to think that I would be allowed to experience happiness... Love. I knew a monster like me would destroy everything. I warned you (Y/N).. See where we are now. You are terrifyed.", he shouted and punched the wall out of anger.

"Dark please... I forgive you, but stop that killing. Please give up and end this war.", (Y/N) stuttered uneasy.

"Forgive me? I killed your father (Y/N). Would you ever be able to look at me like before?", Dark spoke frustrated and watched the sobbing girl guilty.

She didn't know how to response. It was haunting her every night, but to be without Dark, the love of her life, was also terrible. She couldn't stop these feelings and deep inside (Y/N) knew that she never tried to forget him. Her love for him was too strong.

After some minutes of silence, Dark chuckled sadly. "I see.. There is no going back.. I can't stop. It's what I life for... Pain, Torture, Killing...", Dark spoke calmly and was about to leave her, but two strong arms pulled him back and hugged him tightly.

" Dark!!!!!!! No... I love you... Please.. ", (Y/N) cried out, while hiding her face in his chest. Dark stood still and watched the young girl crying and shouting his name.

"Afrer all i had done, you still cry over me? You idiot. Quit it and run away.", he whispered angered and couldn't resist to give her a short kiss on her forehead.

The sudden touch let her butterflies in her stomach rumbling of excitement.

"(Y/N)!!!!! Step back! He will hurt you!", a sudden voice let them break apart.

Link rushed to the young beauty and pushed her behind him. Dark let out a growl and took his sword out. "Out of all people you have to come.!!!!", he shouted angry.

"This will end now!", Link growled and both got into a fighting stand.

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