Life goes on

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Chapter sixteen

Months passed and everything seemed like before the attack. Kakariko was rebuilt and people tried to forget about the nightmare and just go on with their life and it went really well except for one person. (Y/N)

She couldn't go on like before. Hiding at her home, she tried her best to life as peaceful as possible, but her mind was always filled with terrible pictures of her past. People tried to get her out of her nutshell, to go out with her on parties or just talk with her, but her answer was always no. For her it was the best to just stay at home and enjoy the lonliness. Friends of her respect that and knew that she just needed her time and they were right. Slowy she could smile again during her walks through the woods or after a good meal. For her it was the best to forget, to surpress the urge of crying after thinking of Dark. It was the best to lock those emotions away and never let them out again.

''Today i am going to the market. This time i will try to act as normal as possible.'', she thought confident and made her way out of her home. After some time she got more and more relaxed and smiled after seeing people talking and laughing. Humming a sweet tone she watched the goods and thought about her dinner.

''Did you hear. Another village was destroyed...Thank god that we have the protection of the princess...''

''Yeah and it was him again...he got more and more insane...his cruelty is unbearable''

Her mind was racing and sweat started to roll down her neck. ''No...i don't want to hear such informations....''

Quickly she bought everything she needed and got back home, pushing her feelings away she concentrated on her dinner and other projects. ''I have to keep my mind clear and avoid conversations...i can't stand it.''

Month after month passed and (Y/N) felt better. She worked hard for her farm and loved it to be with her horses. The work helped her a lot to get her mind clear. There was no time to think. Laying on the grass she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ''What a peaceful day....and everything is fine...'', she thought and slowly drifted into sleep.

''Excuse me...''


Slowly her eyes opened and was met with beautiful blue ones and not only that. A beautiful friendly smile greeted her. ''I am so sorry, i fell asleep.'', (Y/N) rubbed her eyes and watched her guest clearly. Her eyes went wide and she jumped to her feet. ''Oh my god, princess Zelda! You here? I am sorry i was sleeping. How can i help you?'', she stuttered embarrassed. Zelda laughed kindly. ''No panic please i am here to speak with you (Y/N)..'', she started. (Y/N) stopped and watched the princess confused. ''Okay...what do you want to speak about? I am just a farm girl, princess. Do you need help with your royal horses?'', she asked nervous.

Zelda sighed and took (Y/N)'s hand. ''I know it's been a couple of months now, but i want to speak about your time at the Dark Realm (Y/N)...honestly.. i need your help.''

Slowly tears welled up in the corner of (Y/N)'s eyes. ''I just want to forget...''

''I know was a hard time...but (Y/N), you survived and i really need your help...please..'', Zelda hugged her and comfort her sobbing form.

Slowly they took a seat in the grass and just stared at the blue sky above. "How did you find me?", (Y/N) broke the silence and watched the princess with a saddened face.

''It didn't take me long to find you after rumors and stories were heard everywhere about a young girl that survived Ganondorf's prison. After you came back from the Dark Realm, villagers who knew you, were overwhelmed that you were back and told everybody of your luck. That's all.'', Zelda explained.

''I wasn't a prisoner..'', (Y/N) started ashamed. Zelda took her hand in hers and looked into her sad eyes. ''Tell me. I need to know. What happened there.'', she asked kindly.

''Why is it important? Ganondorf is attacking villages again. Is that the problem why you are here and asking me questions?'', (Y/N) asked confused.

''Yes Ganondorf is causing trouble again, but not only him. It's about Dark Link. He is the main problem.'', Zelda answered and sighed deeply. After hearing his name again, (Y/N) started to get uncomfortable and had to surpress her tears. Zelda hugged the sobbing girl in front of her and tried to comfort her. ''You weren't just a prisoner. You were under his command, am i right?'', she whispered softly and could hear a quiet yes. ''You had to work really hard and he wanted informations of our kingdom. That's why you survived. He used you?'' Again she could hear a quiet yes. ''It was Ganondorf. He wanted that. He played a sick game with me...'', she explained.

''And Dark Link?'', Zelda asked interested.

(Y/N) sighed and started to cry. ''It's all too much for me. I tried so hard to forget him...I don't know what to feel or what to think about him...he was the reason i survived...from the beginning he supported me, he trained me, he rescued me from Cia''

''and you love him?'', Zelda said out of the blue.

(Y/N) stopped and watched the princess with wide eyes. ''Yes.. i love him..but it hurts so much..''

She started to tell Zelda the whole story of her time with Dark. The feeling she had around him, their kiss, their blooming love for each other and how everything got worse. Zelda listened and was shocked of the cruelness of Ganondorf.

''Now you know...after i got home i didn't hear anything about him or see him...'', (Y/N) explained exhausted.

''Now everything seems clear for me. You know, Dark is known as a cruel and strong fighter from Ganondorf, but after the attack on Kakariko it was quiet and peaceful for some time. It was a relief for us, but now he changed completely. His acting and attacks on villages are horrifying. I saw him and he isn't like before. I heard about you and put the pieces together.'', Zelda started with a serious expression.

''He...he changed?...'', (Y/N) felt horrible and sad. Yes she was angry and hurt, but there was this little spark in her heart that didn't want to let Dark go.

''I know it's too much for you, but i really need your help. He is in a very bad condition and got stronger. We have to stop it possible that you come along with me and try to speak with him? Maybe he will calm done and we have the chance to arrest him.'', Zelda asked hopefully.

''You mean like a trap?..i..i..don't think i can handle that. i know what he had done with my father and how cruel he could be, but to trick him like that...and also he will not listen to me. I let him down and run away from him.'', (Y/N) said sadly.

''I know that you love him, but we have to do something. Please, let's try it out.'', Zelda pleaded. For (Y/N) it was difficult to answer, but she knew that she had to face him one day. She couldn't run away from her feelings.

''You are right...We have to end this and i have to face him. Let's go''

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