Our future

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Chapter ten

The sound of birds let the young beauty (Y/N) awake from her peaceful slumber. Slowly she opened her eyes and found herself alone covered in blankets. Nervous she looked for Dark and relaxed after spotting him in the distance. After getting ready for the day she took the courage to speak with him about last night. She felt uneasy of their relationship now. Everything came so fast and now she didn't know how to act. Watching his back, she was thinking what to say first.

''Good morning (Y/N)...'', a calm voice pulled her out of her thoughts and she was met with a heartwarming smile of her handsome knight. She felt relieved that he wasn't acting different after they kissed. She loved this sight of him. ''Good morning..'', she whispered and got to his side. Dark watched her for some time and she could see that his expression changed into a serious one. Afraid she took his hand and watched him with a confused expression.

''(Y/N) about last night...I..'', he started to fight for words. In an instant she felt sick. Was he going to say that it was just an accident? That he didn't love her? Her mind was racing and tears welled up in her eyes of losing him again.

''No (Y/N) don't cry! I...don't mean it like that!'', he tried to explain worried and captured her into his arms. ''What are you going to say!? That it was a mistake? That you don't love me? Is it because of Cia? Is she your girlfriend?'', (Y/N) cried and she didn't want it, but her jealousy was burning inside.

''What? Cia? Hell no! How would you believe that? By the goddesses that would be my death! I just wanted to tell you that...last night was one of the best times in my entire life...but it's not so easy...if Ganondorf knows about this he would kill you...''

''oh....I thought you wanted to stop....now i made a fool out of myself...'', (Y/N) answered embarrassed and tried to avoid eye contact with him, but he didn't let go of her. His shaken body told her that he was surpressing a laugh. ''Well well, i knew that you fall for me, but that hard? Wow you must be really love sick my little fool.'', he said sweetly and kissed her forehead. This let her get redder than before.

Enjoying his touch, she snuggled closer to his chest. ''(Y/N), i know that you enjoy my touch and wanted to be lovey-dovey all the time, but we have work to do...the ball is coming and i am afraid that Ganondorf would give you your first job. You have to be prepared and we can't do such things all the time. That's why i pushed you away...you don't derserve such a life...'', kissing her forehead again and rubbing her back in a comforting way.

"To speak to me like that let me believe that all the rumors about you weren't true. You have a heart and all the attacks you had to fulfill were because of Ganondorf..you had no other choice", (Y/N) spoke sweetly.

Dark sighed and watched her smiling face.

"You think that? .. I am not such a great person. I made many mistakes in my life, not only because of Ganondorf. I was angry, full of hatred against the world and the result was that I let everyone experience it. That leads me to one thing i have to tell you... (Y/N) it's not easy for me to tell you but.", he started, but was interupted by her.

''Dark it's okay. As long as you are with me. Everything is fine. I don't want to leave you..I am yours. .'', she whispered and kissed his cheek lovingly and made her way to her horse.

" You are? ", he spoke excited, but the next moment he felt terribly guilty.

"Someday i have to tell her about her father...", he whispered desperate and left as well. It was haunting him everyday and he couldn't find the right time to tell her. He knew it would break her.

After their confessing and their lovely moment together it was time for (Y/N) to train. She was happy that she could learn everything from Dark. She could see why he was the best warrior at the Dark Realm. His fighting skills were perfect and not only that. He knew everything about surviving in the wilderness. Patiently he explained her all important things to know and she listened carefully. The hugging and kissing was replaced by fighting and to learn how to hide from enemies. For (Y/N) it was okay. She knew how important it was for him to see that she made a good job and she wanted to show him how serious she was with her new life. She would do everything to stay by his side.

''Dark that's unfair...you are a demon. I won't be able to win...'', frustrated she sat down on the ground exhausted. They were fighting for hours now and Dark was calm like always. ''Who said that you have to win? That would be beyond your skill. It's just important to stand against my attacks as long as possible.'', he smirked and sat down as well.

''Yeah mister arrogant..'', she grumbled.

''I overheard that Missy. For now it's okay. We will head home and start training there.'', he said and got up.



''Thanks to you i got better with my skills. What do you think?.'', she whispered.

''I have to say that you are better than i expected. You learn really fast. I like that.''

''What really!'', she cheered of joy. Dark watched her with an amused expression.

''But.'', he started and watched her seriously.

''You often start a fight without to think. It was luck that you survived the incident with the spider. After finishing our training here, i saw that you made a great progress..'', he explained proudly.

"I hope my first job will be an easy one...", she sighed.

Slowly he approached her shaken form and hugged her tightly. How he wished that it was not so complicated. He didn't like the idea of letting (Y/N) go on a job by herself. He knew that she was a tough girl, but he wanted to protect her. He had to find a way, but it wasn't easy. Ganondorf wouldn't be so kind and let her free. All these thoughts haunted him every second and let him get nervous. He was like a bomb. If anything goes wrong, it would end terrible. The pressure was unbearable for him. That wasn't easy.

Pushing the depressing thoughts aside, he enjoyed her touch and never wanted to end it, but that wasn't an option. Ready to head home, they started their way out of the woodlands.

''The lost woods - a mysterious place where everything could happen.'', he thought and was happy to finally call her his. In a way...

On the other side was an exploding Cia who wasn't pleased to hear that (Y/N) was still alive. Shouting and cursing she thought of another way to get rid of her. It didn't take her long to think of a new plan and she laughed out loud, seeing her victory before her eyes.

''Oh this will be great.'', she shouted.

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