A cursed heart

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Chapter eighteen

"Dark no..", she whispered shaken and watched him sadly. Dark and the hero in green were growling to each other, forgetting everything around them.

Quickly she run past Link and rushed to Dark's side who was surprised of her sudden act. "(Y/N)...what are you doing!! Get out of the way!", Link shouted.

"Please stop and cooperate. The Hyrule army is on the way. . You will die!", she shouted exhausted. Dark stopped her by taking her hands.

"I died the day you left. ", he said short.

"why are you so stubborn? Quit this sick game.", she shouted angry.

"Game? You think i am playing a game? Are you stupid?!!!", he shouted furious and pushed her to the ground. Link came to her side and hugged her.

"Look around. You think thats a game? It's reality (Y/N)! The day you left was the last day where i could breath and be free."

Slowly (Y/N) get out of Links hug and watched his lover worried.

"I had to endure the most painful torture everyday for months and on top of that i had to work harder than ever before. If I would stop, he would have killed you. I have to kill, no matter if demon or human. I have to destroy. It's so frustrating and oh my god i am exhausted (Y/N )..so exhausted. I tried to kill myself many times, but you know what?", he asked angry and showed her his chest that showed scars.

With wide eyes she watched him and took Link's hand for support, who was getting nervous of Dark'outburst. He could feel his power rise.

"I am cursed. I can't kill myself. I suffer pain, but it heals afterwards. I am just a puppet now. Like your father called me before i pushed my hand through his heart. He was right i am a monster and i shouldn't had let you in my life. How stupid can you be that you come here and get in danger? And on top of that with him!", Dark shouted and attacked Link who pushed her out of the way and stood against his dark shadow.

Clashing sounds filled the area and cursing and shouting was heard. (Y/N) watched the scene horrified and didn't know what to do.
"He had to suffer all these months alone...i wasn't there to safe him to protect him to love him and gave him comfort...it was all my fault. He become this monster,because of me. He has to do these cruel things because of me... ", she thought desperately.

"My my what a scene. Do you need help my darling or can i go back to my fight with the princess?", a familiar voice let Dark stop. (Y/N) knew who was talking and her anger rise. Slowly Cia came into view and watched her rival amused.

" You here? You want to die?", she asked (Y/N) in a mocking tone.

"Dark i am dissapointed in you. Why is she alive? I ordered that you have to kill her if you meet her.", she said angry.

"Everything is fine. You can leave me alone. I will handle that", Dark hissed back.

"I will handle that what?",she asked demanding.

"My lady..", he growled and avoid eye contact. He was too ashamed in front of (Y/N) who was shocked to hear that.

"Why are you looking so surprised? After you left many things got more serious between me and my darling. He is under my command now and have to do everything i say. Everything.", she laughed amused.

(Y/N) couldn't believe it. Too shocked she just watched Cia mouth agape. Slowly she came closer to her and smirked.

"You have won the fight against me, but in the end i got him", she said and left.
Dark could see that (Y/N) was broken inside and got more and more frustrated. His depression was getting worse. Quickly he got back to his fight and pointed his sword towards Link.

"You can't get enough, do you?", Dark shouted after punching Link in his face who gave him in return one into his stomach. Dark spit blood to the ground and waited for Link's next attack.

"Quit it Dark. Get arrested and it's over!", Link ordered angry.

Dark started to laugh.
"You fool. You think that would be the end? He would find me everywhere", Dark said cold and showed Link his shoulder. A black sign was spreading from his shoulder to his neck.

"We will find a way to help you!", Link said exhausted, only to get another laugh from his dark counterpart.

"You will help me? The only thing i will get is punishment from your princess and hopefully get executed to end my life.", Dark huffed. Link got frustrated and gave a glance to (Y/N) which was deep in thought and shivering on the ground.

"You like her, don't you?", Dark said in a mocking tone. Link's eyes widened at that comment and tried to avoid eye contact.

"sure you like her...Always the same...the hero of time rescues all and get everything he wants. I am really sick of this. Your life is always positive. Get attention and support from your fans, your life is carefree and without pain and suffering and on top of that you want my girl. I will kill you.", Dark hissed and kicked Link to the ground.

"Dark you are the idiot. You got such a precious girl and ruined it. You think Ganondorf will keep his promise and won't hurt her? One failed mission and everything could be different. Come to your senses. He is playing with you Dark. (Y/N) is still fighting for you, she still loves you and you push her away from you and made her depressed. Stop it Dark and gave up.", Link shouted furious.

"You don't know anything. I will stop it now. That's the end hero.", he whispered cold, his sword holding aboves link's chest. Quickly he pushed the blade down and was relieved that he had won.

"(Y/N) nooo!!!", Link shouted shocked and hugged her body tight. Dark stopped and looked down. Eyes widened and speechless he fell down on his knees. Slowly he pulled the sword out of his beloved and she cried out in pain.

"What...no....", he stuttered and took (Y/N) from Link's arms. Slowly she opened her eyes and had to cough blood.

"Sheeh...don't move too much", he said desperate and shaken.

"I am getting help....", Link said nervous and left quickly.
The moment Dark pushed his blade down, (Y/N) rushed to Link and got in between them to safe him.

Slowly tears rolled down his cheek, fighting for words he held her tight. She grabbed his collar and pulled him closer. "Why...why?", he sobbed desperate and kissed her forhead.

"Dark the killing has to stop...that isn't you..and Link....he wants to be friends with you, to help you and rescue you from this life...all the things i didn't do...i am so sorry..",she cried.

"He can't rescue me if you aren't alive (Y/N)...the only thing that let me go on everyday was to know that you are safe..my life is useless without you. Link is right. I am the idiot... You should be with him.. ",he whispered and touched her cheek with his cold hand, but there was no reply. Nervous he shook his lover and tried to wake her, but with no effort.

"(Y/N)? No wake up! This isn't true...noo!", he shouted.

In the meanwhile Link and Zelda arrived and took (Y/N) away from him to see what they could do. "This isn't going like i planned...i couldn't arrest Cia and now that..",Zelda cursed desperate.
Dark couldn't move or say anything. "Arrest him now!", Zelda said sharp. Link came to his side and tied his hands on his back. "Why has it to end like this..", Link whispered sad. Dark couldn't respond. Exhausted of his shouting and crying over (Y/N), he fell to the ground unconcious.

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