Surprise, Surprise!

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Chapter twelve

Slowly (Y/N) opened her eyes and was irritated that it was dark. ''What the...'', she thought, but then she remembered the incident with Dark in the morning. Frozen like a stone she watched her surroundings. She was buried in soft pillows and warm blankets. That was one reason why she was sleeping so good. The other reason was cuddled close to her body. It gave her a heart melting warmth and the feeling to be safe. Her back was pressed against Dark's chest and his hands were around her waist. She could feel his hot breath brushing against her ear. Blushing madly she tried to get out of his grip without waking him up.

''It's hopeless...i have to wake him up...'', she thought and let out a frustated sigh.

''Dark??...'', she whispered and caressed his hands.

After some minutes she could feel his moving. ''....5 more minutes...'', he whispered in a raspy voice and kissed her cheek lovingly. How she missed his touch and sweet acting. The last time was at the Lost Woods where they confessed their love to each other, but after that they had to work hard for the ball and her training. Her face was burning of his kiss and slowly she started to make another move.

''Dark please...we slept the whole day..we need to get up..'', she whispered back and waited patiently for his reaction.

''(Y/N) please....'', he whined and the next moment he jumped to his feet surprised. ''(Y/N)?????!!! What the hell are you doing here?'', he asked confused and touched his head to calm his headache. She felt uneasy about her decision to sleep with him in the same bed, but there was no other option. At that moment it seemed as an good idea. ''You know...Dark you asked me to sleep with you here..'', she started to explain.

Dark's eyes widened. He felt exhausted and confused. ''What? I can't remember that? Did we?...And i don't remember anything. God...i am an idiot.'', he shouted frustrated, but regretted it next moment, because of the stinging pain in his head. Exhausted he fell back into his bed, watching his little angel next to him.

(Y/N) got red as a tomato and fought her way through the comfy pillows to get back to her feets. She didn't care if her hair was standing in all directions or she was just in her sleeping outfit. This was too much to handle. For Dark she looked lovely and if he hadn't such a headache, he would pull her into a big hug and get back to bed with her.

''Dark! Do you think i am that easy to get!!? You drunken rogue!'', she growled.

''drunken rogue?''

''Yeah you drank too much and then you pulled me into your chambers. After that you fell into the bed like a stone. There was no way out and i had to sleep with you the whole day. It's already evening. We could have had a great day of training! Nothing else!'', she crossed her arms and watched him with an demonic look that could have frighten Cia.

Dark watched her outburst with a smirk and thought how adorble she looked in that dress and with her angry look. ''So i was drunk?'', he started and got up.

''Yeah i already said that.''

''And i pulled you into my room?'', he added and slowly he stepped forward to her side.

''Yeah.'', she got confused of his behaviour.

''I was just thinking...why you just gave up and got into my bed. You had the possibilty to just leave after i fell into my coma, but you decided to change into your sleeping outfit and rest with me. That was very motivated for someone who was forced to sleep with someone.'', he finished and watched her shocked form with intense eyes. (Y/N) started to stutter and couldn't find the words to explain.

''It's not! ...I was...I couldn't let you alone in this state.'', she stuttered and avoid eye contact. Dark loved it to play with her. Slowly he cupped her cheeks in his hands and their eyes met. ''I know (Y/N) and i am really happy that you didn't left my side. And the other thing...i want to remember every detail when it happens. '', he whispered and captured her lips with his own. It was a long passionate kiss and let her feel weak. He always made it to let her feel vulnerable, but it felt right. He was the missing piece she was looking for. The special someone what her father wished for his daughter. She couldn't be happier.

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