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Chapter Fourteen

''You look absolutely stunning!'', Henry called out and smiled brightly at the sight before him. ''You think so? Isn't it too much?'', (Y/N) watched herself in the mirror and felt uneasy. It was a long time ago that she was wearing such a beautiful dress. She also put on some Make-up and her hair was braided with little roses.

''No, No, No! It's perfect! Master will be speechless and our guests too.'', he tried to comfort her, but his words let her get more nervous. ''What are you saying!? Dark and i aren't a thing, maybe it's not a good idea to get so much attention. I should hide in the background.'', she answered.

''Miss (Y/N), first i am not stupid and i will not tell anyone. As Dark's personal Butler i could easily see his change of behaviour towards you and how close you are. Secind, there is no way that you can do that....everybody knows that Ganondorf gave you the duty of a spy and they know that you will attend the ball. They are curious to see you. So why not showing your beauty?'', Henry explained and left her by herself.

(Y/N) sighed and couldn't stop staring at herself in the mirror. It was the first time that she was going to a ball and the first time that she was looking forward to see Dark at such an event. Would he fall head over heels after he sees her? Would he act like a gentlemen and dance with her?

''It's a ball after all, it couldn't be different, or?'', she thought. A cold shiver ran down her spine and she felt that something bad was coming. Oh how right she was.


''Is everything ready?'', nervous Dark walked through the tables and took a close look at the decorations. Servants rushed past him and tried to finish everything.

''Master?'', Henry called out nervous.


''The first guests are coming.'', he explained and could see that Dark's aura got more strained.

With every minute the ball room got filled with all kinds of warriors and underlings of Ganondorf. Some looked very strong and fearsome others looked like they never touched a sword in their life, but all shared the same emotion. Fear. Fear for their King.

''Dark you look charming!'' a voice shot through the crowd like a knife and let his mood darken. ''Cia....you made it.....what a pleasure...'', he said and rolled his eyes. ''Of course, i would never miss the chance to see you in your....wooooow......what a nice uniform..'', she grabbed one of his arms and cuddled with it. Cia was right, normally Dark would appear just with his black armor, but this time he wore a white shirt, black jacket and pants with red stiches and an elegant sword was tied down on his hips. ''Cia let...'', Dark started, but couldn't go on. His eyes landed on a person, he waited since the ball started. With slowly uneasy steps she attended the room, her dress glided on the floor like a waterfall and her beauty let all the creatures around her stop and watch.

''Dark what is it?'', Cia followed his gaze and her anger let her blood boil. Without another comment, Dark let her by herself and started to greet his stunning underling, his lover, his love of his life. (Y/N).

''Took you long enough to come.'', he started and watched her eyes go wide, because she didn't see him at first.

''I...i was...''

Slowly he came closer and she could feel his breath at her neck. ''What is he doing!!!'', she thought.

''(Y/N)....you look amazing.. Why do you torture me like that?'', he whispered in her ear and looked deep into her eyes. ''Dark. Is this the human you are training for months?'', a soldier clothed like Dark came to their sight. In an instant Dark changed his acting and she could feel his cold aura again. ''I knew that this night would be like that....i have to keep my emotions by myself...'', she thought nervous and tried not to stare at Dark's handsome appearance.

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