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Fire. Fire destroys all it touches, but it can also create the most beautiful light.

But fire is what destroys a whole village. Engulfed in the flames, the hidden town burns to the ground. They say humans are the cruelest of creatures, and for some it is true. They only seek to destroy those who are different then them. And that includes the extinction of the mages. A once powerful race, trapped in a fire circle. If they weren't so few already, the humans wouldn't of been able to kill off the last of them. But they failed, in more ways then one.

Days after the massacre, a women was journeying through those woods. She came across the destruction, only to find life. In the center of the ashes, where there once stood a large manner house, was a child. They were no older then the age of two, wrapped tightly in a singed cloak. How the child survived the flames won't be answered until many years later. The child had a small, golden box wrapped up in the cloak with him. On the front, was a purple symbol of his family crest.

But this, the women did not know. All she saw was a helpless child in the middle of a destroyed village. She didn't even know there was a village here! So, like any caring person, she scooped up the baby into her arms. The one thing she did see, was the name on the golden box. In scrawling letters, was written 'Seto'.

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