Chapter Sixteen

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(Seto's POV)

     I slowly wake up to a pounding headache. I groan and slowly crack open my eyes. I immediately have to close them again because of how bright my surrounding are. I open my eyes again and give them a little time to adjust before looking around. I'm a little confused about what I'm looking at.

     The room seems to have no floor, walls, or ceiling, just the same white color surrounding me. A purple and blue hammock seems to be suspended in the air with a pink, fluffy rug underneath. A desk is on the other side of the room with papers scattered all over it. There's also some kind metal item with glass on the top of it siting on the desk. I wonder what the heck that is? A shelf that's close to the hammock has a bunch of chocolate, waiting to be eaten. Whoever made this place must really like sweets.

     Suddenly, a load bang grabs my attention. I swing my head around to see that a pice of the wall by the desk opened like a door. A girl storms in, muttering words under her breath. She has brown hair that goes to the middle of her back, light skin, and blue-gray eyes. She wears blue jean shorts and a black shirt that says 'Messy hair, Don't care' on it. A turquoise jacket is also tied around her waist. She moves over to the shelf a grabs a piece of chocolate before turning back around. She doesn't even notice me, sitting here in plain sight. She goes over to the desk and seems to run her hand on the hidden wall behind it. I can only gape in wonder as colored panels appear under her touch. She swipes though them before clicking one. Music instantly fills the space.

     She turns back around and finally seems to notice me. "Aw man. Did another idea find its way into my clam spot? Shew, go back to the abyss where you came from. I already have too many stories that I need to finish!", she yells at me. I flinch back and struggle to find some words. "Uh- um, M-Miss? Do y-you k-know where we are?", I hesitantly ask. "Wait a second.....", she says before coming straight up to me. I try to scoot back, only to hit a wall. She grabs my arm before bringing it up into the light. My armband, that has Phantom frozen atop it, shines in the light.

       She then drops my arm smiling ear to ear. "You have absolutely no idea how long I've waited for you to get here! Your story was taking forever to write. It's finally getting somewhere now!", she scream excitedly. I'm a little scared of her as she pulls me to my feet and over to a blank wall. "Now, sorry if I'm acting a little crazy, we're in my mind right now, so it's a lot weirder then in real life", she tells me. "This is your mind? It looks kinda...... empty", I hesitantly say.

     She smirks at me before grabbing onto an invisible handle on the wall. The wall flips up like a window hatch when she pulls it up. My senses are instantly bombarded with way too many sights to even process. Lights and colors and sounds stream outside the opening, creating an endless cycle of pictures. Before I can make sense of anything, the window is slammed back down. Everything in here seems really quiet with everything out there going on. My ears are even ringing for a few minutes after.

     "This is my 'calm area'. Most of my craziness can't get here", she says, "Now, let's get down to business". She cracks her fingers and turns back to the wall she had just opened. A chair suddenly comes up beneath me, making me fall back into it. I still don't really understand what's going on. The girls moves her hand along the wall, making different colored rectangles appear and move to incircle us. An orange one stays on the wall, bearing a white W. The rest are all different colors that rotate around us. Each has words labeling them.

     The girl watches them until she seems to find the correct one. She then draws it forward for me to see. It has a purple and gold hour glass on it. The words 'The Sorcerer" in on it in white letters. "Now Seto, listen up and listen well. I'm only going to explain this once", the girl says, " This little rectangle here is your story. I don't mean it figuratively, I mean it literally. If I were to accidentally delete this, you and your whole world would disappear, like it never existed. Fortunately for you, I don't delete stories. Your story is what brought you into existence. It has you and your magic, your sister, your friends, everything. And now that your story is almost complete, I need your help".

     "So...... my life is just something you made up?", I ask, dreading the answer. "No! You are very much alive. You exist in my heart, and the hearts of all who read your story. Don't ever doubt that you are important. Trust me on that. And I didn't even create you. I just made your story. This means that you have lots of different stories by lots of different people like me", she explains.

     "So I have a bunch of different lives? How does that work?", I say. "You respawn each time you die. I call it a 'loop'. There may be centuries between someone's loops, or someone might respawn instantly. It just depends how much they're needed, and when. But your are needed a lot. Technically, I'm just borrowing you", the girls says. "And you need my help for what?", I go on. "I would ask you to help me for let's say, an eternity, but I didn't create you. So, I just need to have you immortal for a time that way you can help me gather more people to help me. I can't do it myself because you'd be surprised by how hard it is to create something, make it real enough to exist, and then drag it into my clam spot. I need you to gather my Guardians", she explains.

      "Your making my brain hurt. What exactly do you want me to do?", I ask. All this new stuff is making my head spin. I really don't know what to think of it. "I need you to do four things. Deliver a pair of iron daggers to someone named Drake. He hasn't been born yet. Call the daggers 'zombie claws'. The second will be to finish the battle that I just took you from. All your friends are important enough that they will all respawn to finish the fight. But keep in mind that with each generation, mobs get stronger, humans are getting weaker. This is because of Notch. You will be more powerful in about anything because of you being born in this time. I will even throw in a wild card to help you. Next, I want you to be a friend to a Guardian who I will send to take care of other things. She will have a piece of my own soul. You'll be stuck with her for a while, because it will be a long time before your next task. Your last task is to journey with said Guardian, who bears a piece of my soul, to free another of my Guardians. You will then go with them to finish out that fight", she says while pacing back and forth in front of me.

     "That sounds like a really good deal, but what's the catch?", I ask after a few monuments of silence. She sighs and looks down at her feet before answering. "You'll live until your task is complete. You will see your friends be born, meet with you, and then die. Over and over. My Guardians will be the only other people who are allowed to know about your extended life. And........ you will meet the one you are meant to love. But you won't be able to do more then talk to them, because you will live longer then them. I promise that you'll see them again, but only in your next story. And your sister Abigail, you won't get to see her until the next story as well. She'll be closer to your actual age, but she will still be your sister, now related to you by blood. I would've had her be related to you in this life, but then your parents would die before she was born. I know the cons may seem worse then the pros, but I really need you to do this for me".

     "And if I refuse?", I eventually ask. "Well, things will only get worse from then on. Notch will eventually snap completely. But I didn't wright your story because I though you'd refuse. I brought you here because I know you will do the right thing", she says. Should I really do this? I don't want to see people die around me. But they'll die anyway if I don't say yes.

     "I'll do it", I smile before standing up from the chair, "But what about Notch?". "I never meant for it to go this far. I had created something before the first three, Notch, Hero, and Steve. Something much darker that I never should of considered. I was so ignorant back then. I tried getting rid of them, but they never went away, only got angrier. They're the real puppet master. The only hope I have left is to create beings that can remain untouched by my old creation's influence. You can reject his call, and that why you now stand before me. You four are my last hope", she admits, "But you don't have to worry about that for a long time. You have other things to do at the moment".

The girl smiles. "Now, you have a job to complete. See you in your dreams, Seto, my Sorcerer.

I remember her taking my hand before the feeling of falling takes over me.
I remember my vision going dark,
and I remember waking up in Roanoke, the location of my first task.

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