Chapter Eleven

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(Seto's POV)

The darkness slowly clears from my vision, and I feel my back slumped against a tree. A purple tint colors everything, and I feel a light weight on my chest. I look down to see a small, brown bat perched on my chest. "Seto!", I hear a voice in my head say. "Uhh....", I say out loud. "Seto! It really is you! You've grown up so much since the last time I was summoned!", the voice squeaks. My eyes widen even more, and I ask the bat, "I-Is that you talking?". "Well who else can talk in your head? Of course it's me. No one can even talk to you normally, because I'm protecting you", the bat says in my head.

I look back to the purple tint everywhere to see that I'm in some kind of purple ball. It goes straight through the tree, but doesn't seem to be hurting it. I see JeromeASF on the other side try to touch it, and get shocked back with electricity. He falls back in a heap. I laugh out at the bacca as the others scramble forward to drag him back. "That's so cool! How did you do that, Phantom!?", I exclaim. The name for the bat popped up in my head from some distant memory of long ago. "You remember my name! I'm so happy! I needed to protect you while you were unconscious because of the people. So I'm using your magic to do it. That's why the shield is electrical and doesn't have fire. You can choose how much magic I can use, but when you summoned me, you got too exited and your magic exploded, knocking you out. I used the magic to create a sheild", Phantom explains.

"I hope you didn't shock ASF too hard, these guys saved my life a few days ago", I tell him. "They did!? No wonder they seem to be trying so hard to get in. I've shocked three of them in the last 20 minutes", Phantom says. The purple shield around us drops, and Phantom flys off of my chest and over to the guys. They scream and run away while Phantom is thanking them, but I'm pretty sure that I', the only one who can here him. "Phantom? I think your scaring them. Can you come over here so they stop running?", I ask. Phantom immediately changed course, and flys to land on my shoulder. He snuggles into my neck, and I feel like the spot was always meant for him.

"Guys? You can come out now! I promise that Phantom won't hurt you. He was trying to protect me with the shield", I call out. Deadlox is shoved out by someone, I suspect ASF, and stumbles into the clearing. "Are you sure, Seto? That bat kept hissing when we tried to get close to you", Deadlox says. "It's ok. Phantom just thought that you guys were going to hurt me. That's why he was shocking you", I explain. Deadlox sighs in relief, and I see the rest of the guys creep back into the clearing.

Sky comes up to my side, and says to Phantom, "Hi little bat. You look so cute". "If he ever calls me cute again, I will rip out his eyes", Phantom threatens inside my head. I giggle and relay the message to Sky. He immediately covers up his face with his hands, and tried to walk away without tripping. He isn't very successful.

"Seto, I know you were just knocked out, but you should probably go to sleep for a few hours. You used a lot of magic between summoning me and the shield. You magic burn is going to kick it", Phantom says. "What do you mean?", I ask out loud before a wave of exhaustion hits me. "That's what I mean. Your not used to using magic yet, so of course your going to be tired. Now tell your friends that your about pass out, that way they don't try to get near you", Phantom squeaks.

I nod and turn to Husky. "I'm going to take a nap, now. Using magic makes me tired. Phantom says not to come near me", I say bluntly. "Well.... ok. Just remember that tomorrow we have to leave to go to Roanoke", he reminds me. I give him a thumbs up and stumble over to Sky's tent. I slip inside and fall asleep with Phantom snuggled into my side.

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