Chapter Nine

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(Seto's POV)

Everybody started waking up in the morning, and the fear about what I was about to attempt kept building. I only used magic once, and I had lost control and almost killed someone. I don't even know really how to summon it. How am I going to explain this to them all? I hope Sky can help me.

I hate being this weak all the time. Always getting looked over and pitied. Maybe if I learn to control my magic, I won't be so useless. Maybe I could help people instead of becoming a burden. I wiggle out of Sky's tent, grabbing my book on the way out.

TrueMu and Husky are cooking breakfast, Benja and JeromeASF are sparing, and Sky and Deadlox are just chatting. I walk over to Sky and Deadlox and sit down with them. "Morning Seto", Deadlox says while yawning. "About time you got up", Sky remarks. "Sorry, I guess I didn't really want to get up", I say while meeting Sky's eyes with a silent plea. Sky understands, but gets a devilish smirk on his face. Why would you do this to me, author? (Dammit Seto! I allow my Sorcerer to share his story, and then you go and break the forth wall) "Hey guys, Seto here has something to tell all of us, isn't that right, Seto", he says. All heads turn to me, and my heart pounds against my rib cage.

I open my mouth, but only a squeak comes out. "Sky! You scared him! Don't be mean", Husky chides. Sky looks a little ashamed, but still motions me to talk. I take a deep breath before lowering my gaze to my feet. Here it goes. I explain to them how I was found, about Notch's army, and about what happened before they found me. Thay stay quiet throughout, except for TrueMu asking endless questions.

As if a damn broke open, they all start talking and yelling over each other all at once. I flinch back and would've fallen if Sky didn't grab my arm and pull me back up. "Guys! Stop yelling! It took a lot for him tell us all of this! He just lost everything he had just a few days ago, give it a rest", Sky shouts. I know he means well, but he makes me sound really weak. I can't really do anything right, anyway. Not even tell the truth. The guys quiet down with another 'shush' from Sky. Now I'm gonna get kicked out. I'll have to go to Roanoke by myself. Who knows how many guards are looking for a teenager traveling by himself. Before my thoughts panic any further, ASF speaks up. "I hope you know that this doesn't change anything. You're still the same person we drug out of a ravine and and got to know yesterday. It's honestly really cool that you can do magic!" He cheers. "Really? You're not afraid of me?", I ask. "No way! You act too cute to be afraid of!", JeromeASF teases. (A/N stay away all you shippers! This book is not for that! I have a stick, and I will poke you all until you are annoyed to death!)

We all laugh at that, Bajan falling to ground. Once we all calmed down, Deadlox asks, "Hey Seto, can you show us some magic? I want to see it!".

(A/N it was in the middle of writing this chapter that Setosorcerer came back to YouTube! I'm so happy that he's back)

"I-I could try. I only use magic once up till now, and it was an accident", I stutter. I open Mr. Merfy's book and flip to the second page to read.

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