Chapter Four

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(??? POV)

I can't stop laughing as ASF dangles Bajan over the ravine. "WHERE DID YOU PUT BETTY?", he yells at him. Bajan gives me a terrified look, making me fall to the ground laughing. You might think is a little weird, but Bajan did steal JeromeASF's favorite axe. "OK! OK! I'll tell you where Betty is! Just put me the freak down!", Bajan screams. ASF slowly puts Bajan back on solid ground, where he fumbles through his inventory. He quickly pulls out a diamond axe and tossed to to ASJ. Deadlox, TrueMu, and Husky laugh along with me. You might find us a little crazy, but aren't we all? (A/N Dang it Sky! Between you and future Jerome, the forth wall is falling to pieces!)

TrueMu, wearing his space suit, suddenly stops laughing. I look over at him to see him staring at the edge of the ravine. With the light of the rising sun, I can just nearly make out a smudge of blood that's trailing over the side. I quickly silence my laughing friends and say, "Is that blood!? Did someone fall into the ravine?". ASF and Bajan walk over with the rest in tow. "That does look like blood, a lot of it too", Deadlox says. "If someone fell down their, we need to find a way to get them out! They could be bleeding to death as we speak!", Husky says. TrueMu immediately turns on his jetpack and jumps into the pit. I nearly grabbed onto him before I realized that he can fly with his suit. "We should probably build down a staircase into the side of the ravine, because if someone fell down, True won't be able to fly them back up", Husky says. "On it", Deadlox replies before switching his spear out for a pick.

I figit while Deadlox digs down. TrueMu hasn't come back up, so that must mean that someone really is down there. Slowly but surely, are group goes down until we reach the ravine floor. "ASF, Bajan, go find TruMu and keep the mobs away from him! Husky, go with them. Deadlox, help me clear the area of mobs and light it up", I shout to everyone. In a matter of minutes, the area is clear of mobs, and JeromeASF is running back to us. "Someone did fall down here! Follow me!", he shouts. I exchange a worried glance with Deadlox, before chasing after the bacca.

ASF leads us to a dead-end cave that branches off of the main cavern. A torch placed at the end reveals Husky hurriedly applying bandages to a small figure. He looks to be around are age, but his small frame makes him look so fragile. He wears a purple cloak with a metal arm band on his lower arm. A shallow cut goes along his neck, with another cut across one of his legs. Ugly, purple bruises litter his body. The oddest sight is the book sticking out of a pocket in his cloak. To say he looks bad is a understatement.

Husky wraps bandages around his neck and leg with practiced ease. The bandages stop the flow of crimson from his leg. He's lucky to be alive after falling into a ravine. I wonder what happened. "We should take him to the surface and set up camp before nightfall. I don't think he's waking up any time soon", Husky says. "You're right, could you carry him, ASF?" I ask. He immediately picks up the bloodied man, and I quickly grab onto the book that slips from his pocket. I shove it in my pocket and follow the rest of my team back up the staircase.

Once on the surface, we set up are tents, and ASF lays are patient in my tent. Completely forgetting about the leather book, I agree to take first watch as the sun goes down. Husky takes one more look at the bandages, before assuring us he won't die. If we had found him any later, he could of bled out on the ravine floor, or the zombies were sure to have found him.

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