Chapter Fifteen

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(Seto's POV)

It was only a day left of traveling left before my world was shattered once again.

"Come on Seto! You know that that one is poisonous!", Bajan scolds me. "That's why I wasn't going to grab it! I was getting this one!", I say while moving my hand over to grab the non-poisonous mushroom. "Aw-ha", Bajan says sarcastically. "Hey! At least I don't try to eat a green potato! *cough* Deadlox *cough*", I fake. Deadlox grumbles at us all as we laugh.

"Those potatoes are going to be the death of me", Deadlox moans. "They are green. I think you must be color blind at this point", Sky teases. "I'm not cutting open your stomach to save you if you die if idiocy", Husky huffs. "Welp, ASF is dead", TrueMu says in a dead serious voice. "That's unfair! I'm gonna out live all of 'ya", ASF screams. We all laugh and continue to joke around as we travel through the forest.

It isn't long before we break out from the trees and into a massive clearing. A river goes through it, with the sun setting in the distance. "Looks pretty", I think out loud. Bajan hums in agreement. We go a little farther into the clearing before Sky Suddenly stops. "What's wrong dude?", Deadlox asks him while stopping. I look back to see Sky staring at the ground with an unreadable expression. I move my gaze to the ground to see some kind of animal track. I see everyone tense up around me, but I don't have a clue what it is.

"Squids", Sky mutters underneath his breath. "Squids? What harm can they do?", I question. "You don't understand Seto, those things are horrible", Husky says. "Not to mention really annoying", Bajan puts in. "They can't be that bad", I protest. And that's when a twig cracked in the bushes. "Your about to eat your words, Seto", ASF says. "Wha-", I start, but am cut off by a loud screech.

Hoards of blue creatures stream out of the woods. They have arms and legs like humans, but blue all over with tentacles coming from their backs. How are these squids? Aren't squids just harmless blue things that can't go on land? I have no more time to think before they're upon us. I'm dimly aware of the others getting farther away from me while my newly learned combat skills snap into place.

Phantom flies off my shoulder when my magic flares up in my hands. My vision turns to a purple haze as I feel it rush through my blood. At first, the squids are hesitant to get close to me, but are soon egged on by whoever is in charge. The first one that comes at me gets sparks flying into its eyes. The next is poisoned. I can already feel the effects of magic draining my energy, so I draw my sword with one hand, using magic with the other. Phantom also uses some of my magic, causing confusion among the squids. They probably think that there's two of me.

I only manage to use magic for a few more minutes before I lurch to the side. My magic gutters out as my vision spins with my exhaustion. No matter how much I had practiced these last few days, such little time couldn't of prepared me for this. My balance evens out just in time for me to bring my sword up to deflect a blow. But it does cause me to fall onto the ground. I feel Phantom drop from the sky and land on my chest. A purple shield surrounds us, the same one from when I first summoned Phantom. It keeps us safe, but keeps us out of the fight, and I can't hold it up forever.

I take this chance to look around the battlefield. ASF and Bajan are doing pretty well, TrueMu is flying above them while avoiding arrows. Deadlox fights with his double-sided spear, Husky close by with his sword. But makes my breath catch in my throat is Sky. He stand head to head with the leader of the attack, both their swords locked while trying to over power the other. I dimly take note of Sky's amulet missing. A stray arrow suddenly flies out of the crowd, burying itself into Sky's leg. He stumbles. The squid leader kicks him down and has him pinned. No...... we can't loose! Sky can't be killed! I force myself up, and am just about to lower my shield when my vision suddenly slams into darkness.

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