Just A Stupid Kid

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Ty's POV

The dim light coming through my half shut window alerted me to get up. I strolled down to the kitchen making sure not to wake my brother up, he doesn't like that. I grabbed a box of Cheerios and added some milk I had picked up the other day. Cheerios. How fitting a name for a day that was sure not to be so cheery. As I walked cautiously back to my room I found my computer buzzing and ringing. Shit, not this early guys! I entered the Skype call muttering a groggy hello to everyone. As usual everyone was super hyperactive and loud, so I turned down my volume and suggested a game of Cops 'n' Robbers. All my buds agreed and we set out to record. Well the day might not be so bad after all, the sun came in through my now opened windows casting a mysterious but alluring shadow over everything. It's amazing what some light can do. We were deep into the game when I heard a crash downstairs. I could feel my heart racing as a few thumps up the stairs were heard. I slammed my computer shut and looked around my room, looking for an escape. My door forcefully swung open and in came a barely conscious brother lumbering in. I checked my alarm clock. 9:00 AM, and he already had a bottle of whiskey in his meaty hands. "Oh!!! What do we have here! Not in school, eh?" he mumbled with a sly grin. I shoved my hands in my pockets.

"I don't go to school anymore." I murmured under my breath. His piercing eyes burned into my soul.

"Ah yes! I forgot about that! Too dumb for school hey! My little baby brother dropout, how cute! Mum and Dad would be so proud!" he mocked me viciously.

"I'm not in school anymore cause you can't make a living!" I shouted to him, more scared than brave. His eyes narrowed and he set down his drink.

"That's right, that's the only reason isn't it?" he whispered menacingly taking steps closer until I could smell the spirits on his breath. I moved back but hit the wall and slumped to the floor. "Or are you just a stupid kid?" he whispered coming in closer until all I could think about was the stench he emanated. He slapped me without warning. The pain on my face was nothing new but it hurt more every time. "SAY IT! ARE YOU A STUPID KID!" he roared at me, spit flying out of his open mouth.

"I am! I am!" I pleaded, begging for mercy.


"I'm stupid! I dropped out cause I'm stupid!" I whispered.


"I'm stupid! I dropped out cause I'm stupid!" I yelled. Satisfied he stood up gave me a painful kick to my stomach and leaned in to whisper.

"We all know you are." With that he got up, grabbed his whisky and stumbled out of my room. Curled up in a ball I noticed to tingling sensation on my face and reached up to touch it. It felt burning hot, and I held my cool hand on it for a while longer. I stayed in that corner all day, and when night came I fell asleep to the sounds of my drunken brother smashing things in the backyard.

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