Meet the Baby

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"You've got that, one thing!" Harry sang through the bus. They were 17 minutes to New York city. Louis sat glued to his phone reading tweets, writing tweets, and everything in between. Liam was occupied with the Skype he had going with Danielle, and Zayn was humming as he brushed his teeth. Niall was too busy eating.

"Alright you know the rules..." Paul begins. Harry rolls his eyes and collapses onto the couch next to Lou.

"No jumping into the crowd,"

"No taking off our clothes,"

"No taking off eachothers clothes,"

"No swearing,"

"And no pussy remarks, Paul we get it" Harry concludes after the whole crowd had chimed in to read off Paul's rules. He nods and walks to the front of the bus.

"Wow, look at this... Alright, remember, Beacon doesn't want you having contact with the fans so you'd better sprint" Paul says threatingly. They all nod as their bus pulls in right infront of the back entrance.

"Here we go!" Niall exclaims as they rush through the door. The sounds of screaming fans fill their ears as their excitment rises.

"New York Cit-ay!" Zayn shouts and all the boys laugh while fans cheer and snap pictures. They walk into the theater, and the hopefull crowd...

Two Hours Later

"Remmebr, no contact! Harry you almost got in so much trouble for throwing that stupid piece of paper out the window!" Paul yells. Harry rolls his eyes as they near the door. They pass some fans lucky enough to get backstage passes but ultimatly rush to get out. Louis darted for the open door of the SUV followed by Harry, Liam, Zayn and finally, a still shirtless Niall. All the girls screamed excited as they filed in.

"Where's El? And Perrie?" Harry asks when their in the car. They all look around them surprised to see no one but them and Paul.

"Yeah what happened? I thought they were coming with us" Louis asks him. He shrugs,

"I don't know. I hear something got them upset or something... Management said we'll find out back at the hotel" As soon as the news is processed Zayn and Louis stifen, what could've disturbed them? With a mile and half ride (consisting of barely five minutes) they pull outside the crowded hotel.

"Alright-" But Paul's cut off by the scream of fans. They all sigh and jump out. The band walks through the lobby and to the elevator. When the doors open again, their greeted by the sounds of small cries. Baby cries.

"What are Lux and Loo doing here?" Liam asks confused. Paul shakes his head looking as confused as Liam,

"Their not, their the floor above us" He says thinking. They walk out tentatively to the outside of their hotel room. There, in a whicker basket... A baby?

"What the hell?" Louis excaims. They all look to the small infant. She was maybe five monthes old. She was pale with deep dimples when she made certain faces. Her eyes were a sparkling brown that you could get lost in, and her voice high pitched. She was petite. Short in length and skinny in size. Her hair was wavy and breezed her neck. It certainly wasn't blonde, though it wasn't dark enough to be brunette. It was a strange, though very pretty, dirty blonde.

"There's a note on it!" Harry says pointing. The six men just stared at the alien creature. Paul grasps the small handwritten note to read aloud, though get's sidetracked at the first line.

"Oh no..." He says simply. They're still looking confused at the child when he begins to read aloud...

" 'Dear Harry, Liam, Niall, Zayn, and Louis' " He begins, " 'this is one of yours daughter. I won't tell you who. We all know your not virgins, and we all know your not as innocent as people think. Her name is Maggie. My name? Well, you'll never know that. This is our daughter... Love, Anonymous' " When Paul finished it took them all a while to comprehend.

"No...No, no no" Louis says standing straight slowly.

"Wait, who have you slept with the past two years?" Paul asks trying to control the situation.

"Who knows! When these idiots get drunk, they never remember a thing!" Liam cries. It's true and the four others look down embarrased.

"Well she could be yours too! We all know you had that affair on Dani for two monthes!" Harry fires back. Liam goes red and they all begin yelling to eachother. That's untill their fighting was broken by Maggie's cries.

"Guys be quiet! All we know is one of you is a father and here's your baby!" Paul yells. They all silence to look down at the girl again.

"The scary thing is... Well, she looks like all of us" Harry says quietly.

"Yeah, Liams hair..." Niall begins.

"Harry's smile..." Zayn says.

"Louis' nose... And skin tone... Ha! And voice" Harry says with a chuckle. Louis looks down,

"She has Zayn's eyes... Like a puppy dog" Louis says pushing Zayn playfully. He chuckles as they continue examining the girl.

"She's tiny like Niall!" Liam says with a laugh. Niall shrugs and they laugh somemore. At the sound of their laughter Maggie forms a smile that made them all forget about the bad...

"Okay, we'll have to find an adoption agency or some-" Paul begins.

"No!" They all yell at the same time. He looks taken back. That's when the boys sink into themselves and think of the truth...

"I mean... Nevermind." Liam says looking distressed.

"Yeah I don't think Perrie'll be back... Or El" Harry says truthfully. Louis and Zayn look crushed.

"Wait'll Dani finds out... Should I tell?" Liam says looking conflicted.

"I would..." Zayn says patting his shoulder.

"Guys, it doesn't have to be like this!" Niall says suddenly. So suddenly, Maggie's eyes shoot up.

"What are you talking about?" Louis wonders cofused.

"Well, you can keep your girlfriends if you just tell them the babies mine..." He says shrugging.

"Or mine... You can tell them she's mine" Harry pipes up.

"Wait or she can be mine... I mean, she has my hair" Liam defends himself and his maybe daughter.

"Um she has my eyes! I'm as much her father as you four!" Zayn says annoyed. Soon their all fighting over who's more a father. Paul again has to silence them.

"Look! The simple choice is girlfirends... Or her" He says looking to the baby. Louis and Zayn look to Liam who has his eyes set on Maggie.

"I'm as much her dad as you four..." Louis says slowly. Suddenly Zayn bursts into a wide smile. They look to him confused as he leans down and has the nerve to pick the child up, and craddle her close to his chest.

"What are you doing?" Niall asks as though this was thee strangest thing.

"Well, like Liam said! She's as much my daughter as she is anyones! Heck! I could be holding my daughter!" He says with a laugh.

"Guys, can we do this?" Harry asks nervously. Though by this time Zayn had strolled into the hotel room holding the baby.

"Hey wait up! Don't we have to feed her!" Niall says rushing after him.

"Yeah! And I think she needs a diaper change!" Louis says scurrying in.

"Not after we get her in some proper clothes!" Harry proclaims.

"And we need to get her in a bath she stinks!" Liam says making a face.

"Well that answers is" Paul sighs. I signed up to be a body gaurd...

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