Chapter 10

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Las Vegas coudld easily be described in one world... Hot. It was nearing the middle of June and this certianly didn't help the increasing temperatures. Jess devoted her time to keeping Maggie as cool as possible, and made sure she was content. The boys were pushed through practices and rehersals,  and were sure they'd sweat to death, 

"Can we get some air conditioners on stage?" Josh even asked as sweat poured off him, creating a puddle around his drum set. All the boys struggled to keep as hydrated as possible, this was really turning into a hellish scene. 

"How's Maggie doing?" Liam asks when they return to the trailor. It was cool in there as central air pumped through the vents. Jess smiled, holding the smiling child as she laughed and pointed to her five daddies. 

"Your lucky your so cute little one!" Hary cires, rushing in to tickle her stomach affectionatly.She giggles, swiping him away gently. 

"Hey... I love you" Liam says to her slowly. He's been trying to teach her to talk as she neared her 7 month birthday. Jess rolled her eyes, though grinned nontheless. She didn't even have all her teeth, she wouldn't be talking for a while. Though there is someting she has learned... Crawling.

This nightmare has shaken the whole bus as she flys around without a care. Louis dives after her, blocking vases and glasses that aren't even near the destructive infant. The others laugh, though he sweats something not from the heat of outside. 

"So when's Andy's sister coming anyways?" Zayn asks as he falls to the couch. He wipes his scalp, rubbing away the sweat that's inbedded on his foread. 

"Andy said she'd be here by today..." Liam says matter-of-factly. Zayn nods, mouth hanging open with exaustion. Just then, the door opens to the front of them. Louis leaned up from playing with Maggie who sat in Jess's arms to examine, 

"I think it's Andy's sister!" He hisses when he peaks outside, using the window above their sink. They all sitffen, Zayn sitting up straigher, and fixing his already perfect hair. 

"Alright sis, and this is the guys... Guys, this is my sister Joe" Andy says, red faced from the heat, though smilling chipper. He motioned for his sister to follow, and she does easily. She was pretty. No really pretty. Her hair was the same as her brothers. Dirty blonde and choppy. Earrings ran all along her ears, and she even had a small silver piercing on one of her nostrils. Her eyes were a glowing blue/green, and her skin pastey, yet it fit her whole 'rocker-chick' look.

"Hey guys!" She greets in her accent. Jess smiles to her, waving with her one free hand, 

"Hi I'm Jess! It's a pleasure meeting you!" She was exctied to have a fellow girl with these band of men. Speaking of, almost all of them gaped at the new arrivel, especailly Zayn, she seemd to fit all he looked for in a girl...

"I'm Joliee, though I go by Joe... You must be Zayn? And Louis?" She asks, identifying the two members correctly. They nod grinning, happy to be recognized so effortlessly. 

"Yup, and this is Maggie!" Zayn says pointing ot the baby in Jess's arms. Joe instantly rushes forward to fully see the child, 

"Oh she's precious! By the way, your Liam right?" She asks Harry. He laughs, shaking his head, ruslting his curly hair, 

"No I'm Harry... Just remmeber, Hair... Harry... Harry" He says dumbly. She nods, eying him jokingly as he blushes lightly. 

"Alright sis c'mon, I'll show you the rest of the crew" He says motoioning her away. She nods, brushing the baby's hair gently and scurring off to follow her brother.

"Dibs!" Harry and Zayn both shout simutaneously. Zayn satnds, 

"No! I called her first!" He yells,

"Uh... NO! I so said it first!"

"Well I'm the one who got a boner first!"

"HELL NO! She walked on and I was done!"

"Yeah right! You don't even like piercings! She has exactly 17, I counted" Zayn yells,

"Well when your that sexy who gives a crap... And it was 16 I  counted!"They continue this banter for a good five minutes, when Liam coughs loudly, breaking there charade, 

"I-uh... Left my phone" Joe says standing in the doorway. Both boys go deathly pale as she gently walks on, grabs the iPhone sitting on the counter, and walks off. They look to eachother, each blaming the other for their embarasment...

"Now she'll never talk to me you asshole!" Harry shouts, breaking the silence and lunging at Zayn's neck. The two wrestle, knocking over a table, and slamming into the bottom of the couch, 

"I...Called...Her.... FIRST!" Harry yelles as Zayn held a good grip on his throat. Though they both freeze then Maggie let's out a diturbed wail. They stand, brushing themselves off, and glaring to eachother threatningly...

"She's mine!" Zayn mouths to Harry. He only scowls at him violently, 

"Well this should be a fun tour" Louis groans sarcastically. All of him, Liam, and Niall felt no desire to break their earlier fight. Why? Well.... It's too bloody hot! 

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