Chapter 1

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That was some dream last night Louis thinks as he slowly sits up, cracking his back as he goes. Though reality sets in when Eleanor isn't there to greet him like she usually is.

"Hey, where's Perrie?" Zayn asks. Louis jumps out of bed, still shirtless, to meet his four bandmates in the living room.

"Wait... I had this really weird dream last night" Niall says looking weary

"Me too! Me too! We had like a baby" Louis says thinking. Niall goes deathly pale as do the rest of them.

"I had that exact dream too-" but Liam's cut off by the sound of morning cries. All the boys look to each other and release a panicked cry.

"What?! You thought this was all a dream?!" Paul says outraged. He strolls into the room rocking little Maggie on his large arms. All the boys look to him startled.

"Paul we can't do this! We're not dads! We're a band!" Harry says holding his head. Paul glowers,

"That's why I'm setting up a way to get her adopted but it's a little hard to do that in secret!" he says frustrated.

"The most recent thing is you five are gonna have to take care of her the rest of the day. I need to go out and look for these agencies... Here" he says handing her off to a shaky Liam. And with that Paul's out the door and down the city streets.

"Great! What do we do?!" Liam says staring at the small baby.

"Well... Does she watch TV?" Zayn asks confused.

"Obviously we have to feed her-" Niall begins but Harry cuts him off

"You do realize she drinks like milk and shit. We can't feed her a burger!" Harry says seeing as Niall was planning to share. Just then she let's out a short wail that makes them all jump and let out a cry of their own. Liam held her tighter as she continued crying.

"What do we do?!" Zayn cries wide eyed.

"Get the pacifier!" Liam cries trying to control the situation. Zayn runs for the little diaper bag on the table but trips over some of Louis' shows.

"You twat!" Harry tells and makes for the bag. He reaches for it when he slips on his thick socks and slams his head right into the table.

"AOW!" he screams.

"Harry you okay?!" Louis says looking at the commotion.

"GUYS SHE'S STILL CRYING!" Liam says. Zayn was yelling at Louis for leaving his shoes out while Niall held an ice pack out to Harry.

"HERE!" Louis cries placing the pacifier in her open mouth. When it was firmly in her mouth she looked up with those deep eyes of hers at her maybe dad. Even though her lips were covered, her eyes were bright with a small smile. It took Louis breathe away.

"Damn it. I love her" he cries and storms off. Harry stands confused and walks over to her. He takes the pacifier out slowly and she gives him the death stare. He chuckles and she smiles back at the sound. He just loved seeing those familiar dimples on a tiny little face.

"Wow she's certainly got the puppy dog look down" Zayn says looking over Harrys shoulder.

"I'll make her a bottle" Niall says walking off towards the kitchen. Meantime Louis called Eleanor nervously.

"El?" he says into the line.

"Louis what's this with a baby?!" she says more angry than anything.

"Look eRl... I mean..." what was there to say?

"Is it yours? I mean if it's Harry's or something that's fine" /I could say that. I can say she's not mine and have her back. Everything will be fine I just have to say-/

"She's as just mine as anyone else's" Wait what?

"Louis... I think we need to take a break from eachother" she says simply.

"But it's only a baby! That doesn't mean anything!" he says frantically.

"No it means your certainly not who I thought you were! Goodbye!" she says and the line goes dead. He wants to stand here for a while. Maybe cry, die a little, but something forces him in the other room. It was Liam. He still hasn't given her up. He held her high about his head as she reached her tiny little arms to his head. Her little fingers were dimpled and got a good grip on his hair. He laughed as she tugged with a powerful force. Liam was hysterical while she laughed. Like tiny little bells.

"Hey!" Louis says in a high voice. She looks up from Liam to give the biggest smile she's given yet. It squinted her eyes and showed off her teeth less mouth. Louis felt his heart skip.

"Alright bottle time!" Niall sings a she shakes the bottle around.

"What did you put in it? We have to put that formula stuff in" Louis says walking to the diaper bag.

"How do you know?" Niall asks confused. Louis chuckles,

"Pheobe and Daisy... Now here" he says handing him the carton of powered baby food. Niall took it to the kitchen to fumble with.

"Oh god! This is nasty!" he cries after taking a sip.

"Niall you donut!" Liam tells. Louis looks to him and can't help burst into laughter. Niall rolls his eyes and hands his arms out for Maggie. Liam reluctantly hands her over and Niall smiles wide. He puts the bottle to her lips and she held his finger that was on the bottle. Niall laughed and sat on the couch to continue.

"Okay it says here she's six monthes old... Her birthdays January 27th" Harry reads after returning his ice pack. This was all on the back of the note they were given.

"Hey! It's her six month birthday!" Zayn cries. They all chuckle and go to surround Niall on the couch.

"We should buy her something" Zayn says thinking.

"How much are you going to spoil this child" Liam asks eyeing him. Zayn smirks and watches as she sucks down more of the formula.

"Look Sesame Streets on... Baby's like that right?" Harry asks flipping through the channels. Louis shrugs,

"I guess. So I just talked to Eleanor" he begins. They all look to him, even Maggie.

"It's over. She thinks I cheated on her and to be honest I could've. She has a 'Tomlinson nose'" he says with a chuckle though his face is grim.

"Why didn't you just say the baby's one of ours?!" Zayn cries shocked. Louis goes rigid,

"I don't know..." he say looking to her again.

"Ha look! Super Grover just flew into a tree" Harry says eating some of the baby's Cheerios. They all look to see Harry enjoying the program more then even the baby...

"Oh she pooped" Niall says simply.

"Alright so I found-" Paul begins but has to stop to fully see the scene in front of him. All five boys were lounging on the couch, Maggie sat up between Liam and Zayn. They were all laughing at Wow Wow Wubzy which blasted. Maggie was in a onsie that naturally, was totally upside down and her little legs were through the sleeve holes. She heald in hands a bottle filled with... Chocolate milk? And her hair was made into a Mohawk out of Zayn's hair gel.

"What the hell?!" Paul exclaims. They all look up at him casually.

"Oh hey Paul!" Niall says dumbly and looks back to the TV.

"Look the earliest we can get her adopted is this time NEXT year..." Paul says as he holds his pounding head.

"Why?" Harry asks genuinely curious.

"Well parents want a toddler. I don't know the world is screwed up!" he says frustrated and storms to his room.

"How did things go with Eleanor and Perrie?" he asks as he changed.

"Broke up" Louis and Zayn says casually.

"What?! Well that's not the point... The point is I might bring in a nanny for you guys but well see... Oh for the love of god- NIALL! IS THERE A DIRTY DIAPER ON MY BED?!" He shouts. Niall looks to Maggie.

"You bad, bad girl" he says shaking his head. She only giggles and chews on the nipple to her bottle.

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