Chapter 8

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That Monday was dedicated to the drive to the new country. It took a bit to process as they had to explain how they were coming from America, though from Europe...

"Alright, just five more hours and we're there!" The driver announces. They all cheered laughing. Jess rocked Maggie to sleep. She set her down in the craddle and bent over suddenly. She held her head as dizziness shot through her.

"Woah..." She sighs. Her head suddenly burns and the world spins frantically. She continues to hold her head as she hears the boys laugh in the back room, door shut. Harry came out just to see Jess dodge for the bathroom, vomitting intensly. He rushes in behind her to hold back her hair.

"Oh my god that's disgusting" He says holding her long hair. She groans,

"Haz, you don't have to see this" She sighs. He laughs nervously,

"No, just move over a little so I can puke" He says jokingly. She laughs though is cut off by more intense vomitting. Harry groans but refuses to leave her. She stands weakly,

"My knees... Ah, and my elbows" She says grabbing her joints.

"Old lady" Harry laughs. She smirks and begins scrubbing her mouth with her toothbrush. 

"Jeez I came out for a snack" He grumbles. She smiles as she spits out the toothpaste in her mouth.

"Woah, you don't look good" He says suddenly. She's pale in rapid speed and grabs for the sink. Her breathing quckens and suddenly, she falls. Harry's hands are instantly under her arms and catches her before she hits the cold tile floor.

"Oh god," He says panicky. He reached under her legs, and cradles her in his arms. She shivers and her eyes open groggily.

"It's so cold in here... Where am I?" She asks dazed. Harry was shocked, it's nearly 95 degrees! He sets her down in his bunk and snuggles the blanket up to her chin. 

"Hey, who's sick? I hear puking" Zayn said, chewing on some popcorn and coming out from the sound proof room. Harry sat and the edge of his bed, feeling her forehead.

"Zayn call Paul, I think we need to get her to a hospital" Harry says worried. Zayn cocks his head in confusion,

"Why?"  Jess let's out a painful sounding cough and Zayn instantly nods in understanding. Though before going he feels her head for himself,

"Holdy shit! She's burning up!" He cries and rushes to the driver. Harry sits, brushing hair from her face, as she shivered and occasionaly cough.

"Hey where'd ya go?!" Niall asks coming out from the room. Harry shushes him seeing the sleeping Jess.

"What happened here?" Liam asks emerging with Niall.

"We're taking her to the hospital, she's not good" Harry says worried. Liam stifens out and pokes his head in the back room to tell Louis. In seconds, he's up and practically jumps over Niall to see for himself.

"She's so pale" Louis says growing white himself. He feels her burning head and inhales sharply.

"She fainted right after throwing up, she ws complaining about her joints too..." Harry says brushing her hair some more.

"Paul? Yeah, Jess is real sick. She's burning up and she totally fainted" Zayn says over the phone. He paces worried as Liam grabs a quick duffel bag. He rifles through her clothes, throwing in shirts, pants, underwear. Niall couldn't help giggle watching him.

"H-Harry?" She asks, her eyes glassy and tired. He gently shushes her, smiling his cheeky grin. She smiles her self and leans her head to the side, falling into sleep again.

"Alright the driver says we're like twenty minutes from the next hospital" Zayn says from the front.

"Let's get her some ice or something" Louis suggests,

"No, she was just complaining she's freezing" Harry hisses to him,

"Yeah well we have to do what's right!" He replies annoyed. Harry waves him off though Louis fires back,

"Harry, she's my friend too, we're all worried about her!" Louis whispers annoyed. Harry glares at him,

"Well I'm the one who caught her!" Harry hisses annoyed. Louis was enraged but can't loose his cool with her sleeping so peacefully.

"Is she hungry? Maybe she's dehydrated" Liam suggests.

"No, no I couldn't eat" She grumbles. They all jump around the bed seeing her awake.

"Hey! Are you alright?" Louis asks gently. She smiles weakly and attemps to sit up. Though this plan fails and she falls right back on her pillow.

"I've been better" She grumbles. They all chuckle lightly as she turns her head, blinking heavily.

"You can fall asleep again love, no on blames you" Harry smiles. She takes his hand that was stroking her cheek to play with his warm fingers.

"How are you guys not freezing!" She cries. Zayn laughs,

"Because your the only one who things 90 degrees is cold!" He cries. She laughs and kisses Harry's hand gently. After this, her eyes fall and she's back asleep. Harry smiles at his hand secure in hers.

"I think she's delusinal" Louis says suddenly. Harry furrows his eyebrows... Maybe she's not...

"That's not the point, can we just get her out of here!" Niall says while the pull into the hospital.

"Niall, stay back with Maggie, she shouldn't be in a hospital" Liam says. He nods,

"I'll stay with you, doctors scare me" Zayn shrugs. Harry struggles not to laugh.

"Here Harry, I got her" Louis says making to carry Jess's still frame. Harry grabs his hand before it reaches her still body.

"Please! I did it once, it'll be no hastle again" Harry smiles. Louis gives a forced smile and grabs her bag of things. Harry gently lifts her and she snuggles into him.

"Really Lou, you can stay back" Harry suggests. He shakes his head,

"It's okay Hazz, I'll come with you guys" Louis says forced. Harry smiles fakely and Liam groans,

"Can wejust go!" Liam suggests. They take to the sliding glass entrance and reach the front desk.

"Hi, our friend here's really sick can you help us?" Liam asks politely. The woman looks at him with a blank stare.

"Damn it! They don't speak english!" Harry cries. Liam smacks the table annoyed.

"Hola, nuestro amigo está muy enfermo. Podemos quizá a conseguir en un médico?" Louis says suddenly. Harry and Liam look to him as though he was insane. The secretary, on the other hand, nodded and proceded to call a doctor.

"What? I studied a bit when I'd be up with Maggie" He shrugs with a smile.

"Of coase you learn how to say 'someones sick' "Harry says mockingly. Louis laughs with Harry as Liam stares determined to the secretary behind the desk. She begins speaking rapid spanish and Louis quickly translates.

"She said the Influenza is going around and she most likely has it. We should get her in an emergency room before it get's serious" Louis says. Harry stares at him shocked

"Influenza?!" He cries. Louis nods,

"Well she eithter said that or 'rubber duck' so I'm going with the first one" He shrugs. Liam smirks when a doctor rushes out. Louis quickly explains the situation and he nods rapidly. After more discussion Louis returns to Harry,

"He said to bring her in right away, they're gonna plug her in for an IV" Louis says. Harry nods and brings her into a stuffy hospital room. He lays her down and kisses her forehead lightly.

"Out, Out!" The doctor cries in the little english he knew. Brushing her forehead one last time, he runs from the room as nurses swarmed the bed.

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