Chapter 11

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"So how are things in Vegas?" the computer asks. Jess looks to her best firend Diana over Skype, wishing the borders of Nevada and Canada were mere meters apart.

"Good! The jobs going well" Jess struggles to say as Maggie climbs her arms relentlessly. Diana laughs waving to the screen at the antsy baby.

"How are the boys?" She asks looking to the posters behind her. Similar to most of the teenage girl population, she was a dedicated fan who was more then jealous of her friends new posotion in their life. Jess smiles, thinking of all the memeories she already shares with them.

"It's great! I mean besides the part I was in the hospital it was pretty exciting! I finally have a girl to talk to..." She says sitting Maggie on her lap as she struggles to stand on weak legs.

"Wait your talking to Maggie? Jess I think you should get checked out again-" Diana says sarcastically. Jess scowls as Maggie let's out a hungry yelp,

"Be right back" Jess says as she stands and walks over to the open kitchen. Diana stood staring at the empty screen feeling slightly ditched. She hummed along to a tune that wasn't there, and danced to herself.

She was getting quite into her non-existant music with obnoxious dance moves, and didn't even notice when a certian popstar sat to watch her interested.

She continued ot sway, her eyes held tight as she imagined her motions to actually be gracefull... As you can imagine, they weren't...

"I was the man who never lied- AAH!" She cries, jumping back seeing as Harry Styles watched her as though a deranged zoo animal.

"Oh my god y-your Harry Styles oh my god I'm so so-" But her frantic slurs are cut off as he turns from the screen, still keeping his worried eyes at the screen,

"Um Jess... Who exactly is ths?" He asks slightly worried for both his friend and the girl on screen. Diana felt her heart drop, some first impression! She thinks. She holds her mouth in shock as he leaves the screen and her familiar friend resumes.

"What the hell did you do now?" Jess asks, a smirk slowly forming on her face.

"Is there ever a day I don't embarass myself?" Diana asks, burrying herslef in her hands and leaning over to breathe deep.

"Oh it's alright Di! I'm sure he didn't think you were that weird!" Jess tries and helps. But soon Louis is at Jess's side looking to the screen hopefully,

"Harry told me your watching some dancing video of some crazy- Oh its Skype..." He sasy wide eyed seeing the recipiant starring at him in disbeilf.

"F.M.L!" She yells and hugs her legs to herself. Jess only laughs as Louis throws Maggie up into his arms to walks out into the game room.

"So are you still going to California to visit your cousin?" Jess asks trying to shake Diana from her glum mood. She nods solemnly,

"Yeah in like a week or something" She says playing with something not visible from the webcam. I can't belive that was my first impresion...Is all she thinks as Jess rambles on. Eventually the call ends and Diana crawls into her queen bed to fall asleep with nightmares of her terrible luck.

One week Later

"Are you sure your going to fly alone?" Diana's mom asks again. Even with only hours till her flight she worried for her daughter. Diana only groaned,

"Ma I'll be fine, It's like a three hour ride" She convinces. Her mom gorans, walking her through the airport uneasily.

"Alright I'll call you when I get to Taylor's, love you" Diana says as her flight begins to board. After one good hug Diana jogs off to catch up.

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