Chapter 4

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"On the road agin!" Niall cries excited. They laugh and all pile onto the tour bus. Maggie was sound asleep in Zayn's arms. 

"Next off to... Ontario? Where the hell is that?" Harry exclaims looking to their scheduale. 

"C'mon get her in the bed she has to sleep up, we have a long ride" Paul says taking the sleeping baby from Zayn's arms. They all nod and slip into bed. Though only two hours later Liam was awoken not only by the babies cries, but the complaints of his best friends. 

The Next Day

After one whole night dedicated to driving, they pulled outsde Toronoto, Ortanio for their 7:30 pm show. They all groggily woke up, Liam again asleep on the couch, and ate at a nonchalant pace. 

"Alright, so how long do we have to get ready today?" Louis asks making tea on the small burner. 

"Well you've gotta get to wardrobe by one, get all your practices and stuff out of the way" Paul says looking intent to his laptop. 

"Whatca lookin' at Paul?" Zayn asks rorlling back on his heels. 

"Oh just adoption agencies... I wanna see if maybe we can get her in a new home by the time we leave for England" He says looking to the screen. All the guys freeze...

"Great idea Paul" Harry squeeks. What else could he say? 

"Well since you woke up so late, Lou Niall, get to hair" Paul barks. They jump and Louis leaves the tea right on the stove to rush from the bus. Though he doesn't leave before securing a kiss on Maggie's cheek. Niall does the same. 

"Oh damn... If you got attatched to this baby I'm gonna ring your necks" Paul grumbles so only the newly awoken Liam can hear. 

"Yup, your to late Paul" Is all he says before standing to chang both him and Maggie. 

The guys worked to practice in the crazed theater while the bus sat outside. The door was wide open  and Maggie slept in the craddle they had for her. 

"Hey Harvey, you hear that?" The young intern complains. She was nearly 19. Long caramel hair, freckles across her nose, and beautiful grey eys. She was from America her whole life, but planned to travel to California for school. 

"What do ya hear? You know my hearings going" He grumbles. They both worked for Moison Amphiltheatre theater which was hosting the one and only, One Direction. Naturly, the teen was a fan and was more than excited to even see them. 

"Harvey, it sounds like a tea kettle... One of the boys must of left it on" Even over the roar of fans she heard the long cry. Harvey only shrugged and she took matters into her own hands. She walked over to the open door of the bus and saw just that. A kettle with smoke billowing from the top like crazy. 

"There ya go..." She thinks aloud as she shuts of the flame. Though now she's met with a new sound, a baby? She turns slowly and sees just that. A small baby with beautiful eyes and the most precious smile. 

"Hello! Now who left you here all alone? And with an upsidedown onsie?" She laughs. Just seeing her friendly smile, Maggie smilss wide and holds her arms out for her to hold. Jessica, the intern, doesn't hesitate to wrap the child in her skinny arms and snuggle her close. 

"You are the cutest thing I have ever seen! Yes you are!" She says tickling her stomach with her long, thin fingers. 

"C'mon, I'll get you outta here.." She says climbing out ot the bus. Harvey was nearing his 70th birthday and groaned at Jessica's discovery. 

"What is that?" He says eyeing her. Jess shrugs, 

"Isn't she just adorable?! She was all alone in there, I thought I'd help out" She says smiling. Harvey shrugs and Jess bounds inside and away from the loud fans. She walks right into the bathroom to help change the onsie situation. 

"Are you hungry?" She asks the child. Maggie only giggles and Jess laughs. 

"Don't laugh at me! I know you can't understand but still!" She says chuckling. Maggie's in hysterics as Jess continues tickling her.

"Alright, can I just say bye to Maggie? For luck?" Zayn begs. Paul looks to the five boys as they pleaded for one last 'luck' hug from their daughter. 

"Oh fine! But make it quick!" Paul yells. They all smile and run out to the bus. They try and avoid fans as they reach for them. Niall laughs and is on the bus first. 

"Maggie! Wait..." He cries but seeing her not there, he freezes. 

"What's wrong Ni-" Harry begins but sees what Niall is. 

"Where's Maggie?" Louis asks sternly. Soon all of them are looking into the empty cradle, frozoen in shock and fear. 

"GOD DAMN IT!" Zayn yells and flips up the couch. 

"Maggie?!" Harry cries rummaging through cabinets. It's a war zone as they throw up couches, pillows, closetes. You name it, they searched it. 

"MAGGIE?!" Niall screamed looking in a vase they used for congragiatory flowers. 

"Niall how small do you think she is you twat?!" Liam yells panicked. They all continue their mayhem. 

"MAGGIE?! MAGG?!" Louis calls growing more and more panicked. Everyone terrible thing that could passibly happen was running through his mind. 

"Guys are you read- What in the world?!" Paul yells walking into the scene. 

"We lost Mggie! She's not here!" Liam yells almost in tears. 

"What are you talking about?! You idiots she's inside with some intern!" Paul yells at their stupidity. They all run out of the bus and back inside. Sure enough a beautiful girl sat bouncing her up and down, while she laughed. 

"Maggie!" They all sigh and rush to the two. 

"You have a lovely baby here" The girl says but they all glare at her, 

"Why would you just take  baby that's in our tour bus?!" Zayn spits. She looks taken back and her eyes go wide. 

"Well she was crying! And her onsie was upside down so I felt bad... Anyways, if she's your wardrobes baby why do you have her?" Jess asks as Louis takes the baby from her arms. 

"That's none of your business" Zayn says annoyed. Little does he see Paul behind her, growing an idea. 

"Time to go up!" The stage manager cries. All the boys say bye to Maggie and leave her with Lou. 

"Mr. Higgins, I am so sorry! It's just she seemed so pathetic!" Jess says nearly in tears. He shakes his head, silencing her. 

"No, actually I think I can use your help..." 

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