Chapter 14

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"So wait... Where are we?" Josh looked around the city corner, turning in a complete circle as he followed the light of the street post behind him.

"Um 70th... And... Oh wait no that's a... A one?" Niall looked up, reading thesign from across the street.

"Niall that says 53" Diana scoffed, coming up beside him and nudging his arm with a smirk.

"Oh... I never said reading was one of my strengths" He blushed, though turned with another smirk. "Not like I don't have many other strengths" He puffed out his chest giving Diana a sarcastically charming look.

"Oh-ho really... Why don't you charm me in those?" She rasied an eyebrow. 

"Psh! I'm Niall Horan!" They both laughed, joining the panicking Josh as he tried over and over to start his phone up unsuccessfully. 

Just then, Niall's laughter was dead, and he looked at the tall street clock panicked. "Shit it's almost 11!" He cried. 

Diana furrowed her eyebrows, "Yeah and..."

"It's almost time for final feeding!" He gasped, as though Diana had any idea what this meant.

"Right... That's uh-"

"Maggie's feeding! I always feed her right before she goes to sleep! Since we got her" He frantically explained, looking up and down the street worriedly.

Diana sighed, 'there goes tonight', and that's when it really struck her. Niall had a kid. He was basically grown up. Sure they didn't know if it was biologically any of theirs and yet, she was all of theirs. Diana didn't mean to be selfish, but she didn't need this. She didn't need a baby at 19. 

"Oh... Right" she nodded, trying her best to mask her disappointment. 

"Oh... Oh! Got it!" Josh cried. He held his phone up in the air when it vibrated, signaling yet another call from one of the boys. "Hello?" 

Back at the Arena...

"Josh!" Harry cried, finally getting through to him. "Where are you guys"

"53rd on Hollywood... Find us!" He cried back. 

Harry turned away from the phone, watching the scene unfolding around him. Liam was heating up a bottle as his forehead dripped with sweat from the heat of the stove.

Louis was jumping on the couch trying to wake Jess, who was known for her heavy sleeping. All the while Maggie screaming in Zayn's arms, hungry and exhausted. 

"We're a little busy right now..." That's when he noticed he wasn't really doing anything himself. "Actually, I'll be right there! 53rd you say? Yeah, I'll be there" He nodded, checking he had his keys. "Wait and Niall's with you right?"

"Yeah, so is Diana" Harry's voice caught in his throat. Did she still hate him? He sure as hell didn't hate her... 

"Right. Okay, just wait there" He hung up, leaving without another word to the group.

"Harry!" Louis gasped from inside, jumping off the couch and flinging himself out the door, "Where are you going?"

"To get Josh and Niall and Diana!" 

"We kind of have a screaming baby-"

"Do you want a screaming Niall as well?" 

Louis looked down as he laughed, Harry got him. He nodded, looking up, "Alright be safe, don't get lost" 

Harry smiled and nodded. He turned on his heel and walked out again, getting some directions from Paul and a walk out to the car. 

"Louis why... Why... Why" Jess grumbled, head buried in the couch pillow. His heart dropped, thinking she'd noticed their 'face art' but thankfully she rolled right back over, looking at him with a yawn, "who's that crying Maggie or Zayn?" She asked with a chuckle.

"Ha-Ha" Zayn scowled, bouncing Maggie up and down gently as he tried shushing her. She wouldn't listen though. She threw her little fists around angrily, pathetically sobbing and Zayn's heart was breaking. "Liammmm!" He whined, turning pleadingly. 

"It's coming!" He snapped with a desperate look toward him. 

Louis joined his side, helping in getting the bottle out of the boiling water, and testing it on his wrist. Jess woke up fully, walking to Zayn as she tried everything she could to calm Maggie down. 

Nothing seemed to work,  even when the bottle was done. She refused to take it, and they all felt like curling up and crying along with her. 

"Here!" An Irish voice gasped from the doorway. They all spun around, but before they could fully process what was happening, Maggie had stopped crying, and Niall was feeding her as though nothing was wrong. As though she wasn't just screaming for an hour over a bottle she refused to eat.

"But... How" Liam breathed, sitting and wiping the thin layer of sweat off his forehead. 

"He's just good like that I guess" Diana sighed from the doorway, giving them all an innocent smile. "Jess, I'm gonna head home... Good seeing you, I'll text you" She whispered. 

"Oh, okay... Bye Di" she waved, smiling tiredly. Harry awkwardly held the door for her, looking down at his feet as she left, mumbling a quick 'bye' and nothing else.

Whatever happened in the car ride, certainly sounded like a story, but God they were all too tired for stories. 

The bus pulling up was a blur, getting into it was even more. They didn't remember changing, and half of them didn't. Niall never left Maggie, and burped her when she'd finished the whole bottle. He laid her in the make-shift crib they had in the bus, and they all kissed her forehead goodnight.

And just like that, One Direction was passed out, strewn across beds, couches, even the coffee table. The late teens, exhausted as though 40 year old men (and woman of coarse)

That's when they were all shaken awake, it must be about 5 in the morning, though they didn't notice the time.

"Boys pack your things we're flying home" Paul barked, somehow managing to keep his voice low. 

"W-What? Paul, what's going on?" Niall mumbled.

"There's been an... Emergency. I... Alright, I'm not beating around the bush. You know that 'Mr.X' story that's been circulating? There's been reason to believe he's... He's real" Paul couldn't even believe what he was saying.

Mr.X was huge. Basically as famous as One Direction at this point. An anonymous twitter and even tumblr account writing to fans and the boys telling them off his plans. He was going to find them, shoot them, he had snipers set up wherever the band was going, torcher them...

The worst part, was he neevr told them a reason. They all shook this off, sure it was creepy but hey, they had their fair share of haters. This one of coarse was a bit more serious, but still, just probaby a hoax.

Now, it's not a hoax?

"So you're saying there's someone out there trying to k... Kill us" Louis stuttered, chills running up his arms. 

Paul ran a hand through his hair, shutting his eyes and nodding. 

"I'll get Maggie's things together" But as Zayn tried to walk, Paul grabbed his arm, giving him a long, sympathitc look.

"Boys... Maggie isn't coming with us" 

a/n: So sorry if this sucks but I really wanted to write this! So: feedback? Also I need someone who's been reading this story from the beginning and taken an interest in it to privately message me! I'm thinking of changing the story up a bit and need someone's opnion! Okay, thank you and it's good to be back!

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