Chapter 1

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Hey guys!

Well, this is my current masterpiece. I'll be uploading Arc 1 first, and Arc 2 will come later~! Arc 1 has  over 60K+ words, and it only exists out of the first 18 episodes.


Here is something to help you understand the series:

Three years after the original series, and Tenma is sixteen in the story. They've all graduated from Raimon Jr High and are now in Raimon High School, where everyone from the Raimon goes to school together with some others (Taiyou, for example). Tenma is, of course, the captain and Gouenji is the coach. The characters are kind of OOC because it's been three years and some of them have matured a bit. Others... not so much.

Fei, who is also sixteen now, is using a time machine to visit them whenever he feels like it, so it's normal for him to suddenly show up. But he's also picked up the habit of messing with time machines, which normally doesn't work out all that well...

One day, it goes horribly wrong and one of his machines explodes. Tenma is caught up in the blast and is send to the day he joined Raimon. Since there's not much he can do he just decides to 'go with the flow' and relive the whole series... only this time, he has two things he didn't have in the normal series:

Knowledge of the future and this little handy thing called common sense. Oh, and a thirst for revenge because his older teammates are REALLY annoying and now they're still innocent. Basically, he's just gonna mess with everyone because it's fun (yes, he can be mature. Sometimes).

Please enjoy, and let me know if you want more of this in the reviews!


Accidental Reverse Arc 1


Matsukaze Tenma, the sixteen-year-old captain of the Raimon High School soccer team, is thoroughly unimpressed.

Sitting with his arms crossed in the 'captain chair' of the club room, he looks at his teammates blankly. Said teammates are staring back with hopeful, begging eyes.

''Tenmaaaa! Please please pleeeeaaase?'' pouts a small, brown-haired boy, brown eyes filling with tears. When the puppy dog eyes don't work, the boy lets his head hang sadly. ''P-please...?'' he tries again.

Without moving his head, the captain scans his other teammates. A boy with purple hair is next to the brown-haired boy, eyes big and begging. Behind him is a taller boy with dark blue hair and orange eyes, not begging like the other two, yet a hopeful spark is seen in his eyes. Next to him is a wavy-haired boy with amused brown eyes, but he too seems interested in the situation.

''We'll be really very extra careful!'' adds a boy with bright orange hair, clasping his hands together and falling to his knees. ''Please Ten-chan! If you really love us, you'll allow us to do this!''

Tenma raises an unimpressed eyebrow and everyone blanches. For a moment everything is silent but then the orange-haired teen clasps his heart with his right hand and places his left hand against his forehead. ''No!'' he cries dramatically. ''It's THE eyebrow! We are doooooomed...'' with his dramatic shout he lets himself fall to the floor, lying completely still.

The captain is unaffected, having seen this scene before. ''Taiyou, get off the floor. Your uniform is getting dirty,'' he says blankly. After a few seconds the boy, now known as Taiyou, sits up with a bright grin, dusting his yellow and blue jersey off. Tenma looks at his other teammates again. ''Last time you did something like this, you blew up half of the lounge. The school only payed for all the damage because the soccer section is the most successful part of our education system. Not to mention, coach Gouenji was almost fired – again – and you created mountains of paperwork for the both of us. So give me one good reason why I should let you do this.''

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