Chapter 7

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Hey readers!

So, here's the next chapter. Sorry for the wait, I forgot about this.

WARNING: This contains headcanons of mine. If you oppose this notion, might I propose the purchasing of a storage facility which makes use of electricity in order to produce a cool temperature to preserve nutrition? A possible application is to utilize it as a hidden shelter while contemplating if penguins possess knees. Or something.

Alright then, enjoy this chappie! :)


Accidental Reverse Arc 1


Tenma is on his way to the exit of the hospital, deep in thought as his mind keeps replaying the conversation with Yuuichi. 'He's right, though,' whispers that traitorous little voice in the back of his head. 'You're in deep, deep trouble here. All alone, with a physical condition you know next to nothing about, not knowing if you'll ever get back to your friends. Wouldn't a little help be nice?'

The brunet shakes his head to get rid of the thought. 'Even so, I won't let them get hurt. This is my problem and I'll solve it myself.'

His thoughts return to the present when something- or rather, someone -suddenly walks (read: runs) into him and he is knocked over with a startled yelp.

Tenma shakes his head while looking up from where he has fallen and-

He blinks.

'You have got to be kidding.'

There is a very familiar teenager looking down at him. His eyes are a dull blue and his hair is a mess of the brightest orange the time traveler has ever seen.

It's none other than Arakumo's captain, Amemiya Taiyou himself.

The two future friends stare at each other for a long, silent moment, Tenma out of surprise at seeing the orange and Taiyou out of shock at walking (more like running) into someone.

Eventually, the brunet breaks the silence between them.

''I don't know who you are, but it seems I just fell for you.''

A surprised laugh leaves Taiyou's mouth and Tenma grins cheekily. The other calms down slightly. ''Sorry, didn't see you there,'' apologizes the Arakumo player as the time traveler stands up. ''Are you okay?''

Tenma raises an eyebrow, his cheeky grin growing, ''Except that I just fell for a stranger?''

The orange-haired teen rolls his eyes and shakes his head in amusement. ''I'll take that as a yes.''

The time traveler shrugs, still smiling. ''Why was a patient running through the hospital?'' he asks, taking a look at Taiyou's hospital clothes. ''You weren't trying to escape, were you?'' he asks, already knowing the answer.

(Because honestly, Taiyou never changes.)

Unsurprisingly, the other teenager laughs sheepishly and rubs the back of his head. ''...maybe?'' he asks.

Before the brunet can react, another voice rings through the hallway. ''There you are!'' the two boys look up to see a purple-haired nurse walking towards them.

Taiyou starts to sweat and hides behind Tenma. ''Oh crap!''

Fuyuka reaches them and crosses her arms. ''Trying to escape again, huh?'' she asks the patient. Then her gaze shifts to the brunet and she smiles kindly. ''I hope he didn't cause too much trouble,'' she sighs, and then seems to think of something. ''Would you mind taking him back to his room? I'd do it myself, but there's been an emergency and if he was left to his own devices he'd just run off.''

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