Chapter 28

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Welcome back, everyone, to the next Arc of Accidental Reverse!

Man, took a long time to write this. I have been so incredibly busy, you won't even believe it. Still, I managed to reach the amount of words I told myself I needed before uploading the first chapter, so hopefully, I can keep a more or less regular updating schedule now.

Now, please enjoy the first chapter of the third Arc!


Accidental Reverse Arc 3


''Don't let go, Tenma! I swear, I'll get you out!''

''Shinsuke... I don't think I can... hold on...''

The smaller boy's face contorts in grief. ''No, don't give up now!'' he calls, grabbing his friend's hand tighter and trying to pull him back to safety.

That's the scene Shindou walks into when he enters the clubroom two days after their match against Kidokawa Seishuu. The captain pauses, blinks, and then shakes his head, as if clearing his vision. When nothing changes, he moves towards his two teammates, placing his bag on the table when he passes it.

Shinsuke has just pulled Tenma on the bench when the game maker reaches them. ''What are you doing?''

The two first-years look up at him, neither having noticed him come in, and then Tenma's eyes widen and he points dramatically. ''Shindou-senpai, you're standing on the lava! You'll burn to death!''

Shindou blinks. ''I... what?'' he asks, raising his eyebrows in confusion. ''Lava?''

The smaller first-year nods. ''Quickly, get on the bench before you die, and we'll explain!''

However, no explanation is needed for something clicks in the captain's mind. ''Wait... you're playing the floor is lava?'' he asks, sitting down to humor his two younger friends. At their nods, he chuckles and shakes his head. ''Tenma, did you come up with this?''

The brunet nods cheerfully. ''Yup! Shinsuke and I were early-''

''You're always early!''

''-and we were bored!'' he says, completely ignoring his friend's interruption. ''Wanna join?''

Shinsuke's head whips around to face the brunet. ''Tenma!'' he hisses, throwing a hesitating look at their teammate. ''You can't just ask captain if he wants to play the floor is lava with us!''

The time traveler pouts. ''So can!'' he protests, shoving Shinsuke of the bench. Then he gasps dramatically. ''Oh no! I'm so sorry, grab my hand!''

He then proceeds to dramatically lay down and reach out a hand to his smaller friend. Said friend is lying on the ground, trying to grab Tenma's hand, ''I can't reach it! It's too far!'' he cries. ''IT BURNS!''

Tenma manages to grab Shinsuke and tries to pull him onto safe ground, but unfortunately, he's not strong enough. ''I can't!''

And then suddenly, someone is grabbing Shinsuke's free hand and pulls him onto the bench again. Both first-years blink at the sudden change and then stare at Shindou, who returns their looks with an amused smile. ''Well, I couldn't just leave him in the lava, could I?''

They then proceed to build bridges out of everything and nothing – pillows, bags, chairs, everything in reach. Whenever one of them falls into the 'lava', Shinsuke and Tenma cry and scream dramatically, and Shindou can barely restrain his laughter by the time Kirino comes in.

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