Chapter 18

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Hey guys! I'm back with the newest chapter~! I really hope you'll enjoy this - and the twist at the end of the chapter >:D

Anyway, onto the story!


Accidental Reverse Arc 2


Aki stays quiet for the most part as she listens to Tenma's story. He tells her everything he can but still keeps a few important things out. Both of them are aware of it, but neither point it out.

Once he finishes, it's Aki's turn to tell what happened. ''Everything was in chaos once you departed,'' she tells him, her brows furrowing slightly. ''The audience went wild, no one knew what to think about Fifth Sector's intervention. Your team looked really worried but Endou took them away quite fast.

''I'd gotten your call by then and I decided to head home in order to contact your parents. I'd explained as much as I could at the time, and they did as you asked. They were really worried,'' she adds after a moment of thought. ''Anyway, there wasn't much I could do after that. There were some reporters waiting outside of the house so I requested they leave or I would call the police.

''I ended up calling them and they got rid of the press. A few hours later, an official of Fifth Sector came here like you predicted in order to get the contact information of your parents.'' At that she shoots him a dry look. ''I wonder why they didn't try to get my permission.''

Tenma grins cheekily. ''Oh, I might've dropped a few hints here and there about my real guardians,'' he says smoothly.

His relative shakes her head good-naturally and smiles as she continues the story. ''Well, I did stall like you said. He eventually left without all the information he wanted. Then the waiting game started.'' At this, her smile drops and her expression darkens a little.

The brunet immediately feels guilty and reaches for her hand. When the woman looks up, he gives her a soft smile. ''I'm okay. Fifth Sector can't really do anything to me for now, and if I have anything to say about it, next time they try anything it'll end the same. So don't worry about it for now, okay?''

Aki blinks in surprise and then chuckles softly. ''Since when are you the one to comfort me?'' she asks in amusement.

Tenma grins at her, happy she seems to feel better. The two of them collapse into silence, simply enjoying each other's presence after everything that happened the past few days.

Aki is the one to break the silence. ''What will you do now?'' she asks him.

He's not sure what she means with that question, but answers anyway. ''Well, for starters I'll go to the pool later since I can really go for a swim. Then I think I might visit soccer practice to talk with the team... and then I guess I'll just focus on winning against Fifth Sector. Both on and off the field.''

The woman nods, seemingly satisfied with that answer. ''That sounds like a good plan,'' she tells him with a smile. She stands up. ''Well then, I'll go pack our swimming stuff.''

The time traveler raises an eyebrow. ''Our?'' he repeats questioningly.

Aki's eyes twinkle in amusement. ''Of course. You don't think I'd let you go alone, now did you?''


When they reach the swimming pool, it's mostly empty. Not that it's very surprising, considering most people are at work or in school. Aki quickly finds a spot to park the car and then they make their way inside the building. Tenma waves to the girl from last time he was here, Shinohara, and the two relatives swiftly change into their swimming wear.

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