Chapter 16

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Hey guys! Last chapter of the mass-upload. Anyway, from now on you should expect chapters every one to two weeks - though chapter 17 may come tonight (and otherwise tomorrow)!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this!


Accidental Reverse Arc 2


''By the orders of the Holy Emperor.''

Tenma balls his fists as he opens his eyes, a rueful smile playing on his lips. 'I really should have expected this, shouldn't I?' Surprisingly, the fear from just a second ago feels suddenly numbed. He breathes out slowly through his mouth, letting the tension flow from his body.

Once he's completely calm and his mind is clear, the time traveler takes a step forward. Tsurugi's eyes widen when the brunet walks past him, but Tenma doesn't pay him any heed. Instead, he continues with walking past his other teammates, who stare at him in shock, worry and disbelief.

Just as he's in front of his team, about to walk towards the Fifth Sector agents, a hand on his shoulder stops him. The brunet turns around, meeting the worried eyes of his captain. ''Tenma-''

The time traveler cuts him off with a shake of his head and a gentle, reassuring smile. ''Don't worry about me, I'll be fine,'' he tells his team calmly.

Shindou frowns, clearly disagreeing with him, as Sangoku speaks up. ''You're not really going with them, are you?'' he asks worriedly.

Tenma's smile doesn't leave his lips as he answers. ''What choice do I have? They have the upper hand. Resisting would only cause a scene,'' he says simply. ''Besides, by doing it like this, they've driven themselves into a corner. This will be all over the news within an hour. Harming me or keeping me 'in their custody' will only cause suspicion.''

While their logical minds tell them his words are true, his team is clearly still concerned and very unwilling to let him go. The time traveler sighs, his smile dimming slightly. ''Guys, I'll be fine. Everything will work out somehow.''

That seems to do it. Shindou slowly nods, concern shimmering in his brown orbs, but retracts his hand nonetheless. Tenma gives him a grateful smile and turns around to face the two Fifth Sector agents. He's taken a single step when a voice calling his name stops him.

''Tenma.'' The brunet in question turns around and looks at Shindou, the one who talked. The game maker seems to struggle with his words for a moment, but then continues. ''Be careful.''

The time traveler gives him a bright smile. ''Of course, DQE-senpai!'' the use of the nickname doesn't have its normal effect, the worry not leaving Shindou's eyes. Tenma quickly turns around before they can see his smile fall at his unsuccessfulness of reassuring his team.

Instead of thinking about it longer, he takes a deep breath. He straightens his back and lifts his chin, the perfect picture of grace and confidence as he walks towards the two men.

Once he's reached them, both of them turn around as well and flank him as they leave the field. Just before the field disappears behind them, Tenma looks over his shoulder. His team is gazing after him worriedly, some of them fidgeting nervously. The brunet throws them one last smile and then follows the two men.

The Fifth Sector agents don't speak a word as they walk through the empty, plain halls of the stadium. Tenma's mind goes in overdrive as he tries to think up a reason to have a few minutes alone. At the end of the corridor they're walking in, Tenma can see a door that leads to Raimon's changing room.

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