Chapter 26

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Hey guys! I'm actually really excited for this chapter, for various reasons, which you'll find out soon!

Anyway, enjoy!


Accidental Reverse Arc 2


The next day during training, all of Raimon gathers and waits for their new coach to arrive. When he does, Shindou steps forward. ''Coach,'' he says, voice unwavering, ''I think we need to talk about our new training regimen.''

Kidou raises an eyebrow at that, but doesn't object and from that moment on, training changes to suit Raimon's team. It's still as exhausting as it was before, but it's different. Lighter. Everyone is determined to finish the insane training menu.

And when, at the end of the day, Kidou gives all of them the papers with their stats, Tenma's theory is proving correct.

''You were right,'' says Shinsuke, his eyes wide as he stares at the papers in his hands. ''This really was meant to train our weaknesses.''

Tenma simply nods and pretends not to notice the almost unnoticeable way Kidou's expression tenses when he hears those words.

'Gotta watch out – Kidou-san can't figure out that I'm more than just a random player.'

If the narrowing of the coach's eyes behind his goggles is any indication, he's not doing a very good job.



While Fifth Sector's secrets have mostly stayed secret to everyone not immediately involved in the soccer world, there were those who knew of them. Players from junior high and high school soccer teams were aware from the moment things were drastically changed, but they could do nothing. Coaches, as well, were aware, but again, they couldn't do much.

Despite that, there are other names. Hibiki Seigou, who is running for Holy Emperor in this year Holy Road's tournament. Raimon Souichirou, former principal of Raimon Jr. High and very much invested in the soccer world. Kudou Michiya, once coach of the team that brought so much fame to soccer Japan.

Why did none of them stop Fifth Sector when it became apparent that they did things that should not be allowed? The reality of the situation is that they did. Influential people in the soccer world formed an organization to oppose Fifth Sector. They did so undercover and called themselves the Resistance. Had they not done this, Fifth Sector could've used their authority to undermine them and thus take them down. However, since the Resistance is a secret group, Fifth Sector could not bring them to light without admitting that there was a reason for their existence and that Fifth Sector was flawed.

The Resistance's motives were good, yet their methods are not. Despite having many connections in the soccer world and therefore many opportunities to take down Fifth Sector, or bring their crimes to attention, they did not.

''The idea behind the Resistance is good and I have no doubt that their intentions are pure. At the same time, I, and many others, have been wronged many times by Fifth Sector while the Resistance could've stopped it. This could've, indeed, hurt them, made them even bigger targets than they already were. Yet the question remains, was it right for them to abandon children for the sake of the greater good?

''Attacking both Fifth Sector and the Resistance comes with great risks. I am aware of this and I know that if I, or any of my associates, are caught, could have bad consequences. Yet at the same time, I can't back down. Not after everything I've seen.

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