Chapter 3

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Hey hey~ here's chapter three! Please enjoy :)


Accidental Reverse Arc 1


The next morning, after coming back from his walk with Sasuke, Tenma packs his bag and looks at the old soccer ball on the cupboard. He places a hand on it and takes a calming breath. 'Things will work out somehow...'

Soon after it's time for school and the brunet makes his way to the classroom, preparing for a boring day.

(Time travel sucks, especially if he has to repeat things in school he already learned three years ago. He makes a mental note to make a list later of reasons to kill Fei- it keeps get longer and longer, and it's only been twenty-five hours since this whole mess started.)

The day passes relatively normal and when the bell signaling the end of the day rings, Tenma, Shinsuke and Aoi quickly make their way to the entrance exam. Thirty minutes later, the two boys and three other students are lined up in front of coach Kudou. The brunet listens calmly as Kudou explains the exam, trying to remember as many details as possible from the first time 'round.

Tenma somehow manages to make it through the exam without too much trouble – or that's what he likes to tell himself. His control over his body has gotten better after almost thirty-six hours of being in the past, but it's so frustrating because in comparison to his sixteen-year-old body, he's so slow and weak and he gets tired so easily and-

Shindou Takuto is being an absolute asshole, excuse the language.

He doesn't even try to hold back! After picking himself up from the ground for the umpteenth time already, the brunet makes a mental note- how many mental notes does he have already?! –to have a long talk with his best friend in the future about picking on over-excited underclassmen, because that's not nice, thank you very much.

At least the damned game maker isn't using his Keshin.

When the exam finally ends- after hours –the brunet stands up (again!), dusts of his ruined clothes and huffs as he walks past Shindou, muttering something about 'bully-tolerating policy and mean upperclassmen, picking on innocent first-years', to the aggravation of his future teammates.

As the five first-years line up again, Shindou walks past Tenma, loudly murmuring something along the lines of 'how the heck are you innocent?!' and the brunet simply grins.

''I will now announce the results,'' says the coach. ''Those who passed are...''

He pauses for a moment, and Tenma absentmindedly wonders if Shindou and Kudou aren't distinctly related or something, because drama much?

''Matsukaze Tenma. Nishizono Shinsuke.''

The brunet can see the surprised looks on the faces of the upperclassmen, and suddenly demon-Tenma has a devilish idea and he fights to keep a smirk from his face.

The other three first-years protest for a while but when the coach doesn't budge, they grudgingly leave the field, soon followed by Kudou himself.

Not exactly remembering if it really happened, but having enough common sense to speculate that yes, he'd probably do that, Tenma immediately walks towards the upperclassmen before Shindou has a chance to follow the coach.

He bows deeply, to the surprise of the older students. ''I want to apologize,'' he states sincerely, surprising everyone.

''What for?'' asks Sangoku, obviously bewildered.

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