Chapter 15

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Hello~ it's me~ I've been wondering if after all these years you'd like to meet~

Anyway, enjoy!


Accidental Reverse Arc 2


''The match between Kaiou Academy versus Raimon Jr. High opens with Kaiou immediately scoring 1-0!'' yells the commentator. ''Raimon is abruptly pulled behind!''

''They're no match for us to begin with,'' smirks the boy with blue dreadlocks, Wanda. His captain simply smirks and Tenma rolls his eyes.

''That's what Teikoku said, but we're here now, aren't we?'' he mutters to himself. 'Besides, Kaiou never could beat us. We've been champions three years in a row, going on four.'

Shindou seems to think for a moment and then throws a look over his shoulder. ''Tenma! Tsurugi! Bring up the passes!'' he orders. The two boys nod.

With that, the match resumes with Raimon's kickoff. Kurama quickly passes to Shindou, who passes to Tsurugi. A Kaiou midfielder jumps in the way and the Seedling kicks the ball backwards without looking. ''Matsukaze!'' Tenma, already having expected this move, easily takes the ball, skillfully dribbling through the Kaiou players.

He is stopped when Kaiou's captain, who Tenma remembers as Namikawa, moves to stop him. The brunet hides a scowl – even after being beaten by Raimon in the future, the other captain never lost his arrogant attitude.

The time traveler notices Kurama coming up from the left. 'It's no good! He won't be able to score, even with Sidewinder, and then we'll lose complete control of the ball.' He hesitates just a little too long and Namikawa suddenly shoots forward in order to steal the ball.

Tenma reacts without thinking. With a blue glow of his eyes, an azure aura surrounds him and gravity distorts, throwing Namikawa off balance as the brunet moves around his fallen form. Then his blue glowing orbs return to their normal grey color and the Soul Trance dissipates.

'Used one second, have 33 left.' The brunet doesn't wait to see the reaction of Kaiou's captain at the freaky distortion and instead dribbles forward. Two defenders of the opponent come up to stop him and without missing a beat, he passes to Kurama.

The forward tries to score with his Sidewinder but the shot is easily stopped, and the match turns in Kaiou's favor. Kaiou's passes connect, leaving Raimon in the dust. After this has gone on for a while, Shindou grits his teeth and looks at the middle of the field. ''Kurama, Tsurugi! Tighten the defense!''

''Raimon is bringing their forwards back to secure their defense!'' says the commentator as said forwards follow their captain's orders. ''And now, Hamano moves in to defend!'' the tanned boy is indeed intercepting the path of one of Kaiou's midfielders in order to stop him. Said midfielder manages to pass him, but is stopped by Kurumada and Kirino.

With Raimon's forwards now back at their own half, Kaiou can't break through anymore. However, the yellow-clad team has to focus on their defense without any chance of playing offensive.

Tenma grimaces. 'Guess I don't have the luxury of holding back after all.' Unsurprisingly, Kaiou manages to break through at Raimon's weak point – Hayami. With a few passes, they manage to get the ball to the goal.

Raimon's time traveler closes his eyes for a moment, breathing out slowly as he stands completely still. The familiar calm washes over his mind, energy flowing through his veins and tingling to break free.

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