Chapter 2

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Sorry for the wait guys, I've been busy with an evil master plan. Oh, I've also been busy on Discord - come join us there, it's a lot of fun! You can find the link to it on Tieg2001's profile~


Accidental Reverse Arc 1


Tenma watches impassively at the Black Knights destroying the Raimon Eleven. Maybe 'destroying' is a bit of a big word, but the score is already 8-0 for Tsurugi's team. The brunet frowns slightly when another goal is made.

His future rival looks up and their eyes meet. Tenma blinks and then grins at him, waving cheerfully as his thoughts go back to what happened after the Raimon Eleven appeared on the field.

(Tenma has stopped laughing.

Shindou, much like the rest of the Raimon Eleven, stares at him in disbelief and indignation. The captain opens his mouth to say something but Tsurugi beats him to it. ''Why the hell are you laughing?''

The brunet, still chuckling, wipes the tears from his eyes as he straightens out his uniform. ''Oh don't mind me,'' he waves casually with his hand. ''Please go on with... whatever this is. I'm just a bystander.''

Shindou narrows his eyes at him. ''Who are you?''

''I'm Wasure Teta.''

The captain almost chokes on air, just like Tsurugi did before. ''Your name is 'I forgot'?'' he asks, stunned. Tenma just shrugs and Shindou shakes his head, glancing at the beaten up second team. Then he looks back at Tsurugi, dismissing the other first-year. ''What do you think you're doing here?''

''Soccer,'' answers Tsurugi, a smirk forming on his face.

The captain furrows his brows a bit. ''Show some manners, first-year.'' The Raimon team moves down to the field. ''Don't get high and mighty just because you beat the second team!''

''Beat them?'' Tsurugi tilts his head and crosses his arms arrogantly. ''I just played around with them for a bit.''

Tenma watches quietly as Shindou converses with coach Kudou about Tsurugi's identity. ''What did you come here to do?'' asks Kudou, directing his question at Tsurugi.

''I've been ordered to reform Raimon's soccer club,'' answers Tsurugi calmly.

'I thought he said he would disband the club. Can't he make up his mind?'

The forward continues talking. ''The whole lot of you are getting pitched with the rest of the trash.'' He chuckles quietly at Raimon's reactions as people appear behind him. ''Let me introduce you. This is the new...''

He raises his hand and snaps his fingers as the people who can only be a soccer team stand next to him.

''...Raimon Eleven!'' he exclaims. ''They're your replacements,'' he says and the official Raimon team looks at him grimly.

Tenma blinks as he looks at the black and yellow uniforms of the 'new' Raimon. ''No way...'' he says and Tsurugi looks at him.

The forward smirks. ''What? Too shocked to think of a witty remark?'' The brunet blinks and Tsurugi's smirk turns into a feral grin, until-

''Are they supposed to look like bees?''

Everyone stares at him again. Finally Tsurugi manages to say one, shocked word.

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