Chapter 31

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Okay, so today is quite a special day.

Today, it's exactly two years ago since I started uploading Accidental Reverse officially. Well, it was on FFN, I didn't start uploading here until later, but still. Two years and I've reached Arc 3... well, in another four I might have finished this! XD Seriously though, I never thought I'd get this far... jeez, it's been a wild ride, huh?

Anyway, I wanted to upload on this particular day because I thought it'd be funny to have exactly two years between the first and (current) last update.

Well, enjoy the chapter! Also, there's an important note at the end of it, so don't forget to read that!


Accidental Reverse Arc 3


There are only a few minutes left in the first half when Genei gets the ball again.

Raimon fights back with everything they have, but even with the current tie, they're still at a disadvantage with Pinball Stadium's field. They try, but they simply can't keep up when their opponents know exactly how to deal with the bumpers and flippers.

So no one is surprised when Mahoro gets the ball again and even though they try to steal it back, Genei's captain is simply too good.

''I won't let you!'' Amagi, their last line of defense, jumps into the way and slams his fist on the ground. ''Viva!'' the familiar fortress rises up into the sky. ''The Great Wall of China!''

Mahoro isn't deterred in the slightest by the resistance. ''I've told you already, it's useless!'' he calls forth his green, eerie fire. ''Phantom Shot!''

Again, the ball simply fades out of existence before Amagi's Wall, reappearing behind it and continuing on its way as if it's nothing, flying towards the goal. Sangoku jumps and reaches out, and he would've stopped it if it didn't disappear again, just to appear behind him and hit the net.

A whistle, followed by another two.

''With Mahoro's goal, the first half ends with 2-1!''

Both teams start moving back towards their benches, and Tenma drops gratefully down on the grass when he reaches Raimon's. Midori, for once, doesn't throw him a water bottle and instead hands it to him like a normal person – perks of being injured. ''Thank you,'' he says, already gulping down the contents.

Tsurugi sits down next to him. ''I think,'' he announces loudly enough for the entire team to hear, although his words are meant for the brunet, ''that we need to talk.''

Raimon seems to agree with that, if the way they settle down around their two teammates is any indication. Haruna and the managers are clearly in agreement, and Kidou and Aphrodi – who apparently has permission to stay at Raimon's bench – both don't bother to interrupt. In fact, they seem to share Tsurugi's sentiment.

Tenma sighs and leans back. He was afraid of this.

Young one, if you lie to them or somehow avoid this topic, I will not do anything to interfere when they catch you. In fact, I will even lend my assistance.

The brunet almost snorts at that. 'Traitor.'

On the outside, however, he merely breathes out slowly and looks up at the high ceiling. ''Well, where to start? Fifth Sector came to pick me up during training, as you know. We stopped at Aki-nee's house to get some of my stuff and then they brought me to, what I presume is, their headquarters here in Tokyo.''

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