Chapter 17

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Hello guys! I'm back with a new chapter! Updates will come more often now, probably around the one to two weeks~!

Anyway, onto the story!


Accidental Reverse Arc 2


Ishido made it sound like his temporary stay would be a prison cell.

Well, it's not. Not at all. It's a suite, large and spacious. The walls are made of the same dark blue metal that seems to cover every inch of this building. There are four rooms in total.

The bedroom contains a large four-poster bed, also made of metal, with night blue covers. There are two nightstands and an empty closet (made of metal) and a small desk. A soft blue carpet covers the floor, and the wall right of the bed is entirely made of glass, giving view of Tokyo. Night blue curtains can be closed in order to provide some privacy.

The bathroom is about twice the size of the bathroom in Aki's house. There's a huge bath in the floor and a shower with basically everything you can dream of (even colored lights. Yes, it's a shower with colored lights). One wall is completely covered up by a mirror and the light comes mostly from high windows in the three other walls.

The work room contains a desk (which is surprisingly made out of metal) and a few cabinets. Tenma only takes a short look here – it's not very interesting, and he's not exactly in need of an office.

The last room is the lounge. Right next to the bedroom, one of the walls is entirely made out of glass as well. The floor is covered in a soft, blue carpet and the room's furniture mostly exists out of comfortable chairs, couches, a large TV and a coffee table.

Tenma sighs as he searches the TV for something interesting. He's lying on the couch directly in front of it, trying to find anything to watch. So far, all he has found are childish anime and dramatic soaps he really doesn't want to watch. It's been a little less than a day since the Emperor dismissed him – the four-poster bed was very comfortable and the luxury of the rooms is amazing, but being locked in here without anything to do is so boring!

When he left for the match against Kaiou, he didn't exactly pack a lot of things. The only clothes he has with him are his soccer uniform – which is currently somewhere in his bedroom – and his training suit with a clean shirt, which he is wearing now.

At least there was a clean toothbrush in the bathroom.

He has already worked on his reverse notebook, adding a few things and writing down the most prominent things about the other teams in the Holy Road tournament. He also went over everything that happened during his confrontation with Ishido and noted it – after all, you can never be too careful.

Eventually his channel flipping lands him on a news channel, and not just any news channel – the most popular sports channel of Japan.

The only reason he stops is because he sees a picture of himself on the screen.

''-shocking, really,'' says one of the men that are currently talking about yesterday's match. Tenma recognizes him as a famous retired coach that is often present for this show. ''Matsukaze showed plays that we have never seen before during yesterday's match. The fact that the Holy Emperor wishes to investigate this issue personally should not surprise us as much as it does.''

One of the other people, someone who's also pretty famous in the soccer world, shakes his head. ''That might be true, but the surprising part is the way the Emperor summoned young Matsukaze. A personal escort and no one hearing anything besides that?''

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