Chapter 33

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Welcome back everyone! I almost didn't upload this chapter today... remember how Archie was sick two weeks ago? Now it's my turn XD It's nothing too bad, dizziness, headache, upset stomach, but it still sucks. Anyway, I'm sure I'll be better soon!

Well then, enjoy this chapter!


Accidental Reverse Arc 3


For safety, Raimon's spends the rest of the weekend at Teikoku Academy.

They're allowed to go home for one to two hours to gather their things, accompanied by at least one Resistance member, and then they're brought back to the headquarters. Their parents are informed and, after the happenings at the Genei-Raimon match, don't need much convincing to allow their kids to stay with the Resistance.

Tenma's sitting on his bed in the room he shares with Tsurugi, Shindou and Kirino, working on his laptop that Aki brought with her when she arrived, almost an hour ago. She must've hugged him for at least five minutes, shaky and pale, before letting go and inspecting him closely. Only Fuyuka's assurances managed to get her to relax.

Aki clearly hadn't wanted to leave him alone, but the Resistance leaders decided she - as Tenma's temporary guardian - should know more about Fifth Sector's interest in him, so about half an hour ago, she finally conceded and joined them. Around that time, his teammates left as well to make their stops at their homes, Tenma's being unnecessary considering Aki brought a bag of his things.

Now the brunet is downloading all of the information from the flash stick onto his computer, watching as file upon file pops up on his screen. He impatiently drums his fingers against the mattress as he watches the 67% jump to 71% while chewing on his lip.

He can't help but grin when, a few minutes later, the download finishes. Checking to see if everything's still on the flash stick and finding that it is, he quickly takes it out and hides it in his bag again - always safe to have a backup somewhere.

Then comes the part he's really been waiting for.

He connects his phone to his laptop, starting the download of the pictures he took.

While waiting for it to finish, the brunet glances around the room again. He already knows there aren't any cameras, but it won't hurt to check again.

Once he is, again, reassured that he's completely alone, he gently presses on his communicator. ''Headquarters,'' he says, waiting for the device to find the frequency that connects directly to their main computer. There are two soft beeps and he grins. ''Jũ here, HQ come in.''

The response is immediate.

''HQ here,'' comes Seiji's voice and Tenma wonders if he has mistaken the relieved undertone in the teen's voice. It's hard to hear over the comm. ''Are you okay?''

Yup, definitely relieved. ''I'm alright,'' answers the brunet, smiling slightly despite the situation. ''A little worse for wear, but nothing I won't heal from.''

''You were covered in blood,'' that's Minamisawa, ''and you expect us to believe you're 'alright'?''

Tenma can't help but laugh at that. ''Hello to you too, Striker,'' he says, half wondering what exactly his friend is doing at HQ in the middle of the weekend. ''Don't worry, the Resistance has people everywhere, even hospital staff. I've been given the all clear.'' Well, technically he's been ordered to take it easy, but details. ''Anyway, there's business. During my time in Fifth's custody, I did some sneaking around.''

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