Episode 26

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I searched high and low looking for her. I searched for her at the shops, hoping that she would be shopping there. I searched for food stores, hoping to see her eating hamburgers or pizzas while crying at the same time. I hoped that she would be someone waiting for me. But she is nowhere to be seen. I even considered calling my friends to help out in the search but it would only burden them. A raindrop fell onto my face and then another. It was raining. What were supposed to be tiny drizzles of rain instantly became a downpour? I went to the car for shelter and decided that I would find her by driving.

I looked very closely at every corner hoping that she would be there crying her heart out. The radio was also turned on hoping that I would calm down a little listening to some music. I heard that radio stations play soothing music in this type of weather. So I listened to all the music while keeping my eyes on the road. The music ended and there was a talk show.

"So that was Summer Rain By Gfriend, it is such a good song. Don't you think so??"

"It is best to play sad songs during rainy days so what do you like to do when you're sad??" Why are they dampening my spirits even more?? I wanted to tune to another station when the topic that they are discussing interested me a lot.

"I like to isolate myself from others and just cry in one corner until I'm a bit better. Girls normally like to go to places that they like to go and let all of their feelings out. For example, the park--

The park!! Why did I not think about that?? The last time when she was crying, she went to the nearest park and cried her heart out. I then pretended to be that random someone that bought tissue papers from the ahjusshi and gave it to her secretly. I immediately drove to that very park where she ran out of the restaurant and cried for a couple of hours. I came out of the car and walked around the park while holding an umbrella over my head. I wonder if she's soaked to the skin?? With that weather, I'm sure she is. I walked to the same bench and indeed I spotted a crying Joo JiNa with her hands covering her face.

"Let's go home." I grabbed one of her hands and she looked up at me. She yanked my hand away and started walking away from me.

"Joo JiNa, get back here!!" I shouted as her pace becomes faster and faster. She is now running while still sobbing. Soon, I was chasing after her around the whole park trying to catch up to her. Man, she runs fast. And she stops, falling backward with her head hitting the floor.

She fainted. "Joo JiNa!!" I immediately threw aside my umbrella and ran up to her, carrying her back into my car as fast as my legs could take me. I took a few spare and clean towels from the boot of my car and tried to dry her as much as possible. I also turned off the air conditioning in the car and turned on the heater to speed up the process. She can't fall sick. She can't. If she does, I won't forgive myself for leaving her alone in this type of weather. Joo JiNa, please turn out to be fine. I don't want you to be sick.



I felt a cold towel being pressed against my forehead and I woke up, fluttering my eyes. I looked up at the person that did that. Nam Woohyun. Why is he here?? Where am I here?? I looked around. I'm in my own room. "Don't worry, you are in your own room. I brought you home safely."

Before I could say anything, three girls entered the room and pushed him away. YiNa told him. "Go away, it's our turn to look after Jina-- You are awake already??"

"Yes... Why are you guys here??"

"To visit you of course." Hee Ra said after they got rid of Nam Woohyun and closed the door. "How are you feeling now??"

"I'm okay now, what happened??"

"Girl, you fainted. Nam Woohyun brought you back here, if not you would be in the hospital. You scared  us so much to death."

"I know right. I nearly had a heart attack when Jihyuk called me and I told the two of them to come to visit you immediately." JiEun added with a smile.

"What time is it now??"

JiEun looked at her phone and back to me. "8.19 pm, why??" That's a very long time considering that I was still crying at 3 pm.

"Nothing, I just wanted to know." I got up and feel my forehead with the back of my hand. It is now normal.

"By the way, do you know how Nam Woohyun looked when we came in?? It is hilarious as hell."

YiNa clapped her hands in delight. "I know right."

"What did he do??" I asked wondering why are they behaving like that.

"He looked as if he never slept for years when it is just 30 minutes since you fainted. He looked so damn worried as if his wife was dead." She paused for a moment. "Oh, I forgot that you are already going to be his wife." His wife??

Those two words made my cheeks burn up a little. "Omo... Am I seeing things??" Hee Ra asked. "Are you freaking blushing right now??"

I touched my cheeks. "Am I??"

They all nodded. "A 100 percent sure confirm plus chope."

[It is a Singaporean slang if you're wondering. Confirm plus chope is like you are extra sure about your decision.]

I. Am. Blushing.

"What are you guys talking about?? I don't like him."

"Really??" Hee Ra asked. "Then what's with that jealous face of yours when Nam Woohyun carried Song AhYeon to the nurse's office this morning??"

"He did?? Oh, that jerk..." JiEun got up ready to punch him making a fist with her hand. "I'm going to punch him."

"Wait!! You're too aggressive!!" HeeRa stopped her from doing so.

"What should I do then??"

"We will leave it all up to JiNa, don't forget that she is the female lead."

"What about me??" They all came and whispered in my ear. My eyes doubled in size upon hearing that they said. Am I really going to do that??

"Are you guys crazy??" I said to them.

"You are then the one. Everyone does that these days."

Tomboy and Me / nam woohyun (#9)Where stories live. Discover now