1. Bitch Award

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Chapter One: BITCH AWARD

Fuck school. 

Fuck school and the dumbasses who call themselves teachers.

I was just so fed up with these idiots.

They were all ignorant.

"Are you even listening to me?" The principle, Mrs. Rain, asked me.

"Of course" I answered with sarcasm laced in my tone.

She folded her pale hands on top of the desk and let out a long sigh. 

She was in desperate need of a tan. 

"Look Dana, you have to do better. You're on the honor roll for crying out loud! Start acting like it".

My eyes rolled on their own accord at the bullshit coming out of her mouth. 

Why was she even bothering?

Kristina Rain was not only the principle at East Peak High school in Hillmen, Connecticut, she was also my Aunt. 

By marriage... Thank god. 

That means my Uncle Dave could possibly divorce her and I will only have to deal with her as my principle.

Though I didn’t see the likes of that happening.

"It wasn't even that serious" I said in a bored tone.

I took a strand of my long brown curly hair and began to pull on it. 

These plain boring walls of her office were really beginning to bore me. I had been in here at least once a day this entire week.

As much as she was getting sick of me, I was getting sick of her.

The repeated speech about me being on the honor roll was getting a bit played out and I'm sure I had it memorized by now.

"You told your physics teacher to..." she trailed off.

"Told her to what Kris?" I said with a smile. 

She hated when I called her that.

"What you said was inappropriate to say to a teacher and even more inappropriate coming from a young ladies mouth".

"What did I say?" I asked leaning forward with a huge smirk that I'm sure she wanted to smack off my face.

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