12. This Isn't Real

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"She's looking at me all weird. I'm very uncomfortable" I said. 

"Maybe she thinks you're about to do something crazy. It HAS been a while since you pissed her off" Brianna concluded. 

"That could be it. Either way, I wish she would stop". 

There was a knock at the door. 

Mrs. Greer opened it letting an office aid inside handing her a note. 

"Thank you" Mrs. Greer said unfolding the paper. "Dana, you're wanted in the office". 

I frowned. What the fuck did I do?

"What did you do?" Brianna asked.

"Nothing I know about". 

Walking down the hall, I tried to think of everything possible that could get me sent to the office. 

My behavior had been pretty solid lately so this was a complete shock to me. 

Opening the office door, I gave the secretary a sweet smile. 

"Hey Miss. Anderson. Long time no see". 

"Miss. Hill, what a nice surprise" she said, eyes not leaving her laptop. 

She is such a liar. 

I walked inside Kristina's office without knocking. "Hey there Kris, what's up?”

Taking a seat in the chair across from her, I crossed my feet up on her desk. "So what did I do this time?”

"You didn't do anything".

My feet dropped. "Huh?”

"You didn't do anything Dana".

"So why am I here?” 

"There have been a few discussions and meetings debating on whether you should be allowed on the junior field trip" Kristina said to me. 

"Why would they not want me to go? Do they not understand how boring the trip will be without me?” 

A small smile appeared on her lips. "So you actually WANT to go on this trip? 

"Contrary to popular beliefs, I enjoy field trips with my junior class" I said pretending to be hurt as I put my right hand to my chest. 

"Well it’s a matter of behavior then enjoyment. I'm sure you'll have plenty of fun. The only concern is how you will behave". 

"You know Kristina, I'm kind of hurt. I think that my behavior has improved. You didn't see me at all last week. Don't you think I should get a LITTLE credit?”

"I do have to give credit where credit is due so hmm, congratulations for staying out of my office all last week".

"You could have a least been a little less sarcastic" I scolded. 

"The field trip is in two weeks. If you can stay out of here for those two weeks, you can go on the field trip. 

I put my finger on my chin to think about this. "Two whole weeks huh".

"Two whole weeks" she said dragging the word whole. 

It was surprising to see Kristina being less stern than usual. She was being all happy. Guess Uncle Dave was finally giving her some. 

Without thinking, I stuck my hand out for her to shake it finalizing the deal. 

My bruises were exposed. 

Quickly, I snatched my hand back as I saw Kristina's face change. 

She stood up slowly from her seat. 

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