3. Strange Feeling

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(****Picture is Adam Seen a.k.a Calvin!****)


Chapter Three: Strange Feeling

I drove from Calvin's house in silence.

No music. 

Just the sound of my wheels against the pavement.


That was the feeling I had.


That was the word running through my mind. 

I've never felt like this before after leaving Calvin's so what was so different about today and why was I have these feelings about myself?

I pulled up to Brianna's house and parked on the side, turning my car off.

This feeling was unacceptable and I could not deal. 

I was in pain.

Not the simple pain but something deeper than that.

I was hurting on the inside.

My eyes became wet and I knew what was about to happen.

Once the tears came out, there was no stopping them.

Crying this time was different from the others. 

This time I was hurting. I was crying from a pain deep within that I couldn't understand. Or at least I didn't want to understand.

I was crying and I didn't know why.

No one ever saw me cry.

Not even Brianna.

I took my hands and covered my face.

This was embarrassing. 

Dana doesn't cry. 

Crying is a sign of weakness and I am not weak. 

No one will ever make me feel weak but it was already too late for that.

"Get it together Dana" I mumbled to myself.

Reaching into the glove compartment, I grabbed my tissues. I made sure to keep a pack there ever since my crying episodes began to happen.

Grabbing my overnight bag, I finally got out of the car and made my way to the front door.

Before I could knock, the door swung open and a blonde girl was standing there buttoning up her pink sweater. She walked past me with a look of satisfaction.

Bryce carried the same look as he followed behind her.

He nodded his head at me. 


The two of them walked hand in hand to his red mustang.

My heart drop.

It was sad to say but I wanted to be that girl.

I walked inside of the house and up to Brianna's room.

Her parents weren't home as usual.

They were always away on business leaving Brianna and Bryce alone.

Personally, I would love that. My parents away for a few weeks out of the month, that's paradise.

Brianna hated not having them around and as much as I would love it, I understood where she was coming from. It got pretty lonely for her since Bryce was always... Doing his thing so I usually spent my weekends at her house.

What are best friends for right?!

The place was quiet. It was almost depressing as I strolled up the stairs.

I quickly walked down her creepy dim hallway. I don't care what that girl says, they have ghosts.

Something always gets moved or lost in this house. I'm still trying to figure out what happened to my Mickey Mouse socks two years ago.

They were my favorite.

"Finally! You took fucking forever!" she said as I flung the door open and quickly closed it.

"Sorry" I said dryly. I threw my bag on the floor and flopped down on her bed.

"Why the hell are your eyes red?" she asked as her eyes grew big. "Were you doing drugs?"

"Bri what the fuck! I'm not a pothead!"

"You better not be!" she said eyeing me suspiciously.

"I drunk a little with Calvin" I lied. 

I couldn't tell her I had been crying. She already hated Calvin enough and my tears would give her more ammo.

She rolled her eyes. "I wish you'd stop wasting your time with that loser."

I sighed. Brianna's hate for Calvin was something I couldn't blame her for. Her reasons for disliking him were better than if she knew the truth. If I told her, she would attempt to kick his ass for sure. 

Her reason for hating him was due to the fact that he cheated on me four times while we were together. Somehow I managed to find the time to have sex with him anyway.

Stupid right?

Yeah.... I know.

"Not tonight Bri. I don't feel like being lectured".

That was the truth.

"Whatever". She sat down at her desk and pulled out her makeup bag.

"Where are you going?" I asked her. 

Brianna never put on makeup unless she was going where she wanted to be seen. 

"You mean where are we going" she corrected me.


"The party? At Evan's place. Tori told us about it at lunch!"

"Oh" I said.

"You were zoned out".

"Who're you trying to impress?" I asked her as she applied red lipstick to her lips.

She smiled. "Sean".

I put my finger in my mouth and pretended I was gagging. 

Sean was her newest crush and a total boob.

He had the brain of an idiot and yet he played on the Football team. 

Grades didn't matter to the team obviously. They just cared about the trophies and a reputation.

"He’s cute!" she yelled.

"And a complete moron too".

"Well maybe Aaron will be there" she said turning around in her chair to look at me.

"Maybe he will". 

"I don't know why you’re playing around with him. He's gorgeous!" she said getting up from the desk and lying next to me on the bed.

"Stop calling guys gorgeous! It’s creepy" I said trying to change the subject.

It worked.

"Whatever" she said hitting me with a pillow and walking out of the room.

Aaron Harper was my old crush from last year. He was a good boy compared to Bryce and Calvin.

He wasn't an asshole, player or a jerk.

He was one of the sweetest guys I knew.

Now I was wondering if he was going to be at this party.

"So when does the party start?"

**** So the first couple of chapters are pretty short but they get longer! I just wanted to give everyone a chance to understand everything.****

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