chapter 4

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"Baby when they look up at the sky
We'll be shooting stars just passing by
You'll be coming home with me tonight
We'll be burning up like neon lights

Be still my heart cause it's freaking out
It's freaking out, right now
Shining like stars cause we're beautiful
We're beautiful, right now
You're all I see in all these places
You're all I see in all these faces
So let's pretend we're running out of time, of time"

It's already 7 am in the morning so Niall's phone alarmed. He woke up before the song reached the chorus. He sat and turned the alarm off. He whiped his eyes to clear those morning glories. Niall lied to his bed again cause his head aches so fucking much. "Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" he groans. He didnt expect to have this headache cause he just have a bottle of beer last night. 

But before he fall asleep again he remembered the reason why he set the alarm.

"Ughhhh. Must text Demi. Must text Demi." He said in a hasty voice. He grabbedd his phone and typed :

"Hey! Good morning beautiful. Its Niall remember? from last night. Haha. Uhmm, you up already?" 

Niall looked for Demi's name in the contacts and hit send. 

"Oh god. I hope she doesnt ignore me." Niall whispered to himself. He went to his bathroom, washed his face and brushed his teeth so that he wouldnt be that sleepy when Demi replies. After that Niall went down to have breakfast with the boys.

Demi is still sleeping when her phone vibrated. She got irritated because of the noise the phone is making.

"ughh. Why on earth people wakes me up at 7? " Demi groaned as she grabbed her phone. Her angry face glowed when she saw who sent it. It was Niall Horan. Her smiled became bigger when she read the message and saw the word beautiful. 

She replied. And lied down again on her bed but this time she's smiling cause she didnot expect Niall would be texting her that early with a sweet message. 

The boys are eating their breakfast everybody is wondering why Niall is up so early today. And he's happy. Smiling and jokking with the boys. 

"You know what, I dont know what happened in the club last night but I'm thankful it happened." Liam said having a bite on his bacon.

"Yea, me neither" the three boys chorused

"Thanks mate." Niall said smiling.

After few seconds his phone vibrated. It was a text message from Demi. He opened the message eagerly and read it.

"Goodmorning too handsome. lol. Ofcourse i remember you. Im not that drunk last night to forget who drove me home you know. Btw, are you nuts?? Why did you wake me up so early? :( :)" Demi said

Niall smiled as he finished the reading it. He replied immedietly. The boys noticed his smile so harry asked.

"Yo mate, who are you texting with?"

"Uhmm, just a girl from the club last night"

"Then.. what's her name?" Zayn asking curiously.

"Uhmm, you know.. i did not expect to meet her there...."

So what's her name?!!"" The boys chorused.

Niall laughed on how curious they are. 

"She's Demi Lovato." Niall blushed

"Sick!! Isnt she the famous popstar in the US?!!" Harry said

"Excuse me, she's famous around the world." Louis added

Niall just nodded after what all the boys said. 

"Man, you're lucky!!" They all said then Niall laughed.


Demi received his text and read it immedietly and it says:

"Oooppps. Im sorry. Thought you'll up this early. Eat your breakfast, okay? btw, are you free tonight?"

"This boy is really fast, he needs to slow down a bit." demi whispered to her self. But deep inside her, she likes how Niall is being sweet even though they just met lastnight. 

"Wait for my reply horan" Demi said and chuckled. She went to her bathroom and did some girly things there then ate her breakfast as Niall said. 

After she did evrything she must do finally she replied to Niall and said:

"Yea. Im free tonight."

After a few seconds Niall replied. Demi was surprised.

"soo.. pick you up at 5 then?"

Demi took a minute first to sink everything in. Niall Horan 1/5 of the world's biggest boyband is asking her out for a date. She couldn't believe it. Although she likes Niall eversince he's still in the xfactor. 

"Sht. What should I reply.. ughhh. I should call marissa first."

Demi looked for Marissa's name in her contacts and dialled it. Marissa picked up after 4 rings.

"Hey Dems, how's london?" Marissa said in a yawning voice

"Oh, Im sorry. I forgot the time difference but I need youre help."

"Its okay. Why? What happened? Is there anything wrong?" Marissa said worriedly

Demi told everything to Marissa. How she met Niall and now Niall is asking her on a date.

"So what should i answer?" Demi said.

"Say yes. There's nothing wrong with dating him. You know. You're single, He's single. Perrrrrrrrrrrrfecct!" Marissa said.

"Okay thanks Marissa. Bye." Then they both hung up.

Demi saw 1 new message and it's from Niall and it says

"If you dont want.. its okay. I'll understand. :)"

This made Demi smile. Niall is so sweet. 

"No, its okay. It just took me so long to reply cause I talked to my bestfriend and sorry for that. Yes, see you later at 5. :)" Demi sent

"Okay then. :)" Niall replied.

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