Chapter 1

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Heather's POV

I wandered about the desolate lands of Jotunheim. I passed a few Jotuns here and there, all treating me as if I were invisible. It's not that they did it on purpose, they were just substantially taller than me and couldn't see me down here. I found my way back to our palace and went to the throne room of my 'father'. I say that as a skeptic, we are so different from one another, I'm not sure I am his true heir. I suspected he adopted me from another Jotun who may have had an affair with a migardian, that was where I got my height, or lack thereof, I guessed.

"Hello Heather," he addressed me as the guards bowed. I could notice them peek up at me when my father turned his head. If men did see me, they wanted, but I never gave. I was attracted to no one on Jotunheim or anywhere I've even been. Laufey does not let me travel far or often, but I jump on the opportunity when it presents itself.

"Hello my king, I was wondering if I would be allowed to stay out after curfew tonight, there is a meteor shower tonight," I told him.

"I'm sorry but you know the rules, you cannot go out after dark. It is not safe for you my dear," he sighed.

"Ok," I said shortly before walking out without bowing. I was known here as a rebellious defect, unlike the other over-loyal frost giants. Just because Laufey said I couldn't do something, didn't mean I'd listen. After dinner I excused myself to my chambers, but instead of taking a right to my hall, I took a left to the door. I pulled my hood over my head and kept my face hidden from any passerby's. I found my favorite place on top of a hill and looked up at the never ending sky. Shining streaks started lighting up the darkness. I made a wish on each one, the typical wish of wanting to belong.

I must have fallen asleep on the hill because I was awoken by a loud crack and looked up to see the bifrost. Oh crap! I ran back to the palace and into the throne room where Laufey eyed me suspiciously. I went and stood beside him and before I could explain myself the door opened and it revealed a tall, lean figure. He stepped into the light and showed his face. My father gasped and the guards stepped towards him. My father waved them off as this mysterious man came forward.

"What are you doing here Asgardian?" Laufey snapped.

"Now is that any way to speak to someone who led you straight to the casket?" he asked in a cool, collect voice.

"That was you? son of Odin?" Laufey asked shocked. Loki nodded then turned his attention to me. I could see a sparkle in his eye and a smile that formed on his face. That smile was pure sin on the face of a saint.

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