Chapter 10 It's Only Monday

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It's only Monday and I'm ready to kill someone. Whoever comes in my door next had better have a large bottle of firewhiskey in hand or three double cappuccinos and a half dozen chocolate eclairs from Little Red Cafe'.

First it was Magical Transportation. Somehow they managed to get the floo of 32 homes of Muggles crossed with wizarding families - one of the Muggles was expecting a baby and had all their family rush in. So before 10 am there was the Accidental Magic Department alongside Magical Transportation trying to clear up this mess and get the families lives back in order.

Didn't help that the one lady that was expecting, had her baby while her memories were being reprogrammed. Percy is not my favorite Weasley brother in law at this moment. Like he ever was in the first place, but that is beside the point.

Then there was an owl flu that hit and half the aviaries and training facilities have been hit. So there is a team that pulled in some of the best potion masters and herbologists in the field. This is one time that I wish Professor Snape was still around. At least I saw Neville Longbottom, one of our dear friends from school, ever so briefly as I informed them of the situation and gravity of the issue. Merlin forbid that the Wizarding community takes steps like using computers, or cellphones, or blessed be the internet. Sometimes I just want to bring these wizards into the 21st century.

I wonder if Draco is still exceptional in potions? He used to be my main challenger when we were in school.

What will it take to get my mind off of him? I need to focus on important issues right now!

I hadn't even had a breath of my own before half of the Ministry filled out to lunch including Lani.

"Ma'am there is one message for you. You've been a bit preoccupied and I honestly was afraid to disturb you."

My head hits the desk. "Who now?" I grumble into my arms that I folded protectively above my aching head.

"Um I think this is personal. Something about Rose's date today." I lift a hand up for her to give it to me, not even bothering to move my head. "I'll be at lunch ma'am. If you need anything I won't be long."

"Thank you Lani."

My Dearest Minister,
These two. I am sitting here just laughing watching them. By the way I love Angela and this cafe. You and me, one afternoon, here. Promise?
She came over and slipped me a note saying that Scorp is being a gentleman to Rosie and that she approves. If you want proof for Ronald, I have it. I want to save it for a scrapbook or something for the two of them. Do Muggles do such a thing?
Well, it's been over an hour and a half and the two have managed to inhale 3 scones between the two of them, 2 cappuccinos each, and now they're moving on to something that looks fruity and made in a blender. I doubt either are going to sleep at all tonight with their caffeine and sugar intakes.
Thank you for letting me watch this unfold. It is the highlight of my week.
Through It All,
Your Ferret

"Lucky bastard" I grumble to myself. I look at the pile of problems in front of me groaning. What did I sign up for?

I don't have a chance to respond to Draco, and I don't think he wants to hear what my day is like anyways. I just look at this pile and decide, while it's quiet, to tackle at least some of it. I decide that it needs to be sorted into "Dire Emergencies," "Crisis Level," and "Crap that can be dealt with on another day when my head doesn't hurt," and I put notes on each pile appropriately and create little table tent things so that any future problems will be sorted upon arrival.

A subtle knock on my door brings me out of my funk. "Lani, you back already?" I call out.

The door cracked open. "Is it safe? There is a caution sign on your secretary's desk. Says 'knock at your own risk'." I look up from the three mounds to see the man that has been filling my dreams and desires.

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