Chapter 39 Does the Girl Have a Red-Head Death-Wish

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We never heard how he died. Neither of us had a chance to witness the kiss and what happened afterwards. Both of us regretted not being there, for closure. Both of us were glad that we weren't though. We were able to lay next to each other after a long day of physical and mental therapies by the healers.

But Lucius Malfoy is no more. His reign of terror ended.

I was wheeled out of the hospital and into the Ministry of Magic days later at the hands of his son, both of us revered as heroes.

The Prophet spread was immense - commenting on the heroic acts of the former Death Eater against his own father. I was happy to be a sideline to his story for once. All it commented was that I had requested his assistance in the matter, making him a personal advisor. The world saw Draco Malfoy not as his father's son for once, but as the man he made for himself. The man I have fallen in love with.

Kingsley decided to take up the Defense Against the Dark Arts professorship in Harry's wake, taking the curriculum that Harry had prepared and manipulating it only slightly. His comments included that each of the students that complete all 7 years will be able to sit in on the Auror exams if that is how they wanted, and that it was heavily focused on practical use rather than theory.

Minerva told me that she was 'kicking herself' for not convincing Kingsley to teach earlier.

I remained as Minister, not without hiccups of course, the main one being named specifically Ronald Weasley.

While I was still recovering, it took a grand total of three months to be at full capacity, and Ron was with his older brother Charlie there was a hiccup...

"'Mione, I want to ring your husband by his balls. And our brother in law too while I think of it." I looked up from a pile of work to see Harry, flushed in apparent anger, stomping in my office. Draco had been lounging on my couch look up from the Daily Prophet with feigned disinterest. "Oh hi Malfoy, didn't see you there. Do either of you recall Chastity? She was an intern during your campaign."

I heard Draco snort as he returned to the paper. "Yes Harry I seem to recall her," I said very smoothly.

"She's knocked up."

Draco snorted again, this time giving his personal commentary not solely out his nose, "Ronald's doing I suppose?"

"That's the problem," Harry collapsed into one of the chairs directly in front of my desk. "We don't know who knocked her up. It could be either Charlie or Ronald."

That elicited a response from Draco, "Excuse me? She was doing TWO WEASLEY BROTHERS? Girl must have skills. I might have been remiss dismissing her like I did."

"DRACO!" I scold not even looking up from my paperwork.

I feel his smirk from across the room, "I'm kidding love. But still, does the girl have a red-head-death-wish or something?"

"Harry, what does Molly say?" I respond calmly. This will be interesting though.

"I don't know who is more upset: Molly who wants both the boys back home, Ginny who wants both their sets of balls used for our next pickup quidditch game, Angelina who is convincing George to come up with a permanent Weasley proof contraceptive device and test it on her, or Fleur who is just going a little crazy now with her pregnancy hormones and everything and keeps yelling things in French I don't understand. I think Molly will win and poor Charlie will be made to marry the girl. Though she seems more apt to Ron in my opinion."

I start rubbing my temples at this newest development. "Draco..."

"On it love." He goes to my not-so-secret liquor cabinet and pulls out three glasses and a full bottle of firewhiskey. "At least you can't say the Weasley family isn't entertaining. Oh poor Rose. Oh poor Scorp... I wonder if he really knows what he's getting into with your daughter." My brows furrow as I look up giving Draco a glare that Harry knows can disarm an auror. "The one good thing about this is that when you go to the Wizengamot next week you have some questionable actions on Ronald's part."

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