Chapter 18 I Think the Kids Are Awake

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"Darling. Wake up." I hear his satin smooth voice calling to me. "We fell asleep and I think the kids are awake." 

"Shit!" I whisper to him. That is the last thing we need is to have the kids look in the other guest room...

"Darling you worry too much," he coos.

"Uh you're not the one still married to someone else," I not so gently remind him. "If she finds out and tells her dad..."

"It will be fine. How much do you have over him anyways? I am willing to bet that stripper named girl wasn't just admiring him for his intellect." He starts kissing my neck leading down to my still exposed breasts.

"Draco!" I am between stressed out and mad at him for not understanding why I'm stressed out, so I try and push him away.

"Take a shower and get changed." He slides on top of me, tempting me to do much much more than take a shower. "I'll get the kids to stay away. Plus your room is pre-disheveled so it looks like you slept there. Now start the water..." He winks as he rolls off me, or at least tries, before I catch him in my legs and arms because he is one step ahead of me. He prepared for something like this. He's still protecting me, ever so subtly and I feel the need to thank him. Again.

"Not so fast," as my legs tighten around him pulling him down. I tease him with my hips, hearing him moan. I feel his growing presence on my abdomen, throbbing to be satisfied. My nails clench into his buttocks thrusting him even tighter into me. "How about we both take a long, hot shower?"

"Darling..." there is a desirous strain in his voice.

"Please," I ask in my sweetest but still commanding voice. I meet his eyes and they scream that they don't want to let me go.

"I know. I know." He feigns resigning to me, throwing his hands up in surrender making me laugh. "You get what you want, especially when you say please. And how can I deny you of that?" He says slyly, knowing exactly where a shower will lead both of us.

We left the room, probably an hour and a half later, to giggles coming from downstairs.

Let's just stay the shower ran out of hot water while we were in there, but neither of us noticed. The shower was a continuation of the previous night; sensual as both of us probably washed each other, and felt each other's bodies multiple times both inside and out.

I feel like I am living in one of the trashy Muggle novels that I would read in my empty bed at night. But oh so much better.

Merlin if I have the dreams again this week, with Ron home he will know something is different. I might need to find an 'outlet' if they do return.


"Yes darling."

"What happens if the dreams return this week?"

Our moist, naked bodies were wrapped in one large bath towel still warm from the water and our closeness. I lean into him, his arms tightly around me and my head nuzzled into his shoulder. "You send me a message. We find time for each other. Even if it is just a coffee to discuss the children."

I look at him with my 'I call bull' eyes, and he understands. He chuckles at the idea of just having coffee. "We both know that won't make the desire sated. It will only make things harder." I slip my hand down to his manhood, to emphasis the last word ever more. The growl that resonates through his chest sends me into an explosion of overstimulated nerves. But I'm not one to care at this point. I am wrapped up in a towel with a handsome man that cares for me. It doesn't get much better.

The giggles continued as Draco made his way downstairs first, to see if the coast was clear, before my heading down.

Just hearing their voices, calm and relaxed, gives me an idea what my life could be. What it should be.

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