Chapter 21 She's A Bloody Banshee

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I was curled up on the settee in the study when Harry and Ginny came home. I wasn't what you can call asleep, but I wasn't awake either. I was in a sleep limbo. One caused by the realization that there is no going back. There is no real going forward either. My sleep state mirrored my life at the moment.

"Mione?" Harry caressed my arm bringing me to my senses. "What are you doing here?"

"He knows. Ron knows." Ginny gave me a sympathetic nod and went upstairs, presumably to check on the children. 

"How much does he know?"

"Enough. He knows the extent of Draco's and my relationship. He knows enough to ruin both of us."

"We won't let that happen Mione. You know that."

"What now? What do I do? Where do I go?" All my fears come flooding out of me in one tsunami. All the pressure that the dams were holding back became too much wave after wave of pain and tears flowed. "Harry... he blamed me."

"Why did he do that? How in bloody hell..." I can see his green eyes flash in anger. "How does he even conceive that it is your fault?"

"He says I'm not the Hermione he fell in love with. After the war and all. When I was spiraling down to my meltdown."

"I'm talking to him later today. You rest. I'll have Ginny take the kids to Molly's. You can stay here or wherever."

"I think I'm going to go to Draco's. At least for tomorrow."

"We'll keep Scorpius. Tell Draco not to worry. About any of this. We are going to control this. You're Granger, we're Potters and Weasleys and now Malfoys. We have this."

"I'll go in the morning. I need to talk to him."

"Sleep Mione," Harry cooed like the brother he really was to me.

By the time the sun came up and I managed to get a shower in the commonplace chaos that was the Potter residence, it was late morning. Scorpius was scheduled to remain the rest of the day with my nephew, so I went solely to the Malfoy residence.

I wasn't ready for what greeted me. But I wasn't ready for anything so far this week.


"Pansy shut your trap. It is too early in the morning for your barn owl like screeching."

"Who in bloody hell wears a size 2 petite that you know?"

Shit... that's my size.

I knock on the front door gently. I doubt that I want to get in the middle of this mix, but it better be now before it gets really heated.

"Pansy, I really don't need this. Your husband decided we needed a night out and thank Merlin for the Potters. But now I'm paying the price."

I knock for a second time understanding the situation a little better now.

"Bloody hell who else could be here at this wretched time of the morning? Don't you people sleep?" I hear the grumbling at the other side of the door.

The door starts to open and I can only quietly quip "I didn't sleep much either, but for a different reason altogether."

The look on his face mirrored the words that tumbled out of his mouth, "Fuck no." He didn't even turn around before calling out, "Pansy put on some coffee now." Holding out his hand like the gentleman he is in public, "Madam Minister, what brings you here?" while silently muttering, "at this most ungodly hours no less."

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