Chapter 38 Lay Next to Me

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Draco got scolded by the healers. No way in heck are either of us leaving this place anytime soon they say. And how 'dare he allow me to do all these things without proper supervision'. Huh? It is me working myself to get functioning. Starting with some type of communication.

Luckily I am able to hold my wand and the healers teach me a simple spell that writes the word that I am thinking in the air. It is something that those who lose their ability to speak were taught. Thank Merlin for magic.

Draco dreaded me writing something like 'get the hell out' as my first comment. Instead I gave an extensive list of things that need to be done, what I want done by whom, starting with that I needed Draco and me to be in a shared room.

"Typical Granger," he laughed when the healers finally exited the room. "Telling everyone what to do."

I wrote out "I'm the Minister. They should do what I say."

"Does that apply to me love?" His cheeky voice said he had something specific in mind.

"Of course. Right now you need to kiss me," I wrote.

"That is something I absolutely will follow, if I could get my arse up from here." I pouted, causing him to laugh. "Nice try love, but right now I am still in pretty bad shape too."

I wrote out "Please?"

"You know more than anything I would if I could. And I would never deny you if you say please. Maybe if we get some HELP IN HERE!" He was yelling the last words, hoping to get some attention.

"Yes Mr Malfoy, how may I be of assistance?" A lady with light brown shoulder length hair commented.

"You see this beautiful woman here, she needs assistance. She is requesting to lay next to me if possible."

"Mr Malfoy I don't know if that is allowed."

"My room, and she's the Minister of Magic. I think between the two of us, we say what goes."

I write out "Draco be nice."

"I am darling." I can hear his smile and feel his body slightly moving with the laughter that he is trying to keep.

"Mr Malfoy, I am under direct orders from the Minister's husband to not let you two as he put it 'canoodle'. I am sorry."

I probably turned an unhealthy shade of purple, because the poor lady panics. "Do not listen to Ronald Bilius Weasley. And bring Harry Potter in here. I am sending that"

"Just go get Mr Potter please." Draco interrupted prior to me giving this poor lady a piece of my mind when it comes to Ronald. "Where are you going to send him now?"

"Where ever it is cold and dangerous. Thinking the south pole to count penguins and collect specimens of their dung for possible potion uses." I worry now what history will say about my term and our extensive exploration of fecal matter for potions. Eh, it will keep Ronald busy and away from me.

"How did I survive school with you? I am surprised I got out with only a punch to the nose."

"'Mione, you called? And why is your nurse looking like she's going to pee herself?" Even I'm laughing at that.

"We simply explained that she wanted to lay next to me, for healing purposes of course, only to hear that Weasel has stated that we are not to canoodle. Whatever he means by that. Now she wants to send him to Antarctica to collect penguin poop."

I hear Harry sigh. I also hear Draco trying not to laugh because we both know how much it hurts him.

"I have an idea. We have two beds in here, but very close together." Harry is being logical, or just trying to protect his own man bits from freezing off. "You two are good enough with spells, I assume it you put your minds to it you can make the two beds appear as one. Now about Ron, how about we send him back to Charlie for a while. He's even getting on my nerves. Molly has threatened him with no dessert for a month or being on babysitting duty between Al, Scorpius, and Rose. I think I would take no dessert rather than try and keep those three from either killing each other or Rose and Scorp from snogging."

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