Chapter 22 May I Have the Honors

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If this is what the kids watched the first night, I understand why my daughter fell asleep. I am all for strong heroine roles and having her be an Amazonian princess - okay that was a stretch - but bloody hell it was terrible. I have fought my share of battles, and what this woman is doing is more like some pirouette in a badly staged ballet. There's no wonder that she is more princess than warrior woman.

But Draco and I laughed through the movie. Even with wands, many of our duels look more like dances, but nothing as silly and staged as this is.

"Could you imagine fighting Lucius like this? He is elegant and feminine in his moves, but she... she is" as I tilt my head sideways trying to understand the rationale behind the staging.

"Did you just call my father 'feminine'? Oh wait until he hears about this!" Draco was laughing. Then I start joining in at the 'my father will hear about this' reference. For a moment the two of us were transported to a time of more innocence before the nightmares and bloodbaths were our norm.

"Yes I think I did. But you can't honestly say that when he duels and does the hair twirl thing, it is at the least a bit feminine. I mean it is something for a wizarding shampoo commercial."

"Please, when he is captured again and rotting in a cell in Azkaban, you and I need to repeat this conversation with him there. Just the glares that he will throw off will be worth the price of admission." He leans over and kisses my forehead. With each laugh he gives, I feel his body move in its own graceful manner, powered by pure mirth. The joy radiates off him, like waves as his chest moves up and down. Even with my eyes closed I can tell he is smiling. He sighs deeply as reality comes back, "He's going to come after us at some point, you know. If he finds out about the two of us, he'll only come quicker."

"I am worried about when he hears his only grandson is dating a half-blood. The half blood daughter of Ron and me. You have blood traitor, muggle-born, Golden Trio daughter dating the heir to the Malfoy name? That is bound to catch his attention."

"No one will touch Rose or Scorp. Trust me. It was one of the things Theo and I and the rest of the guys were talking about last night. How to keep our kids safe. And yes, Rose was mentioned because she is a Weasley and Scorp would die if anything happened to her. Oh and so you know, Theo, he 'ships' them as a couple after last night. I think all my friends do now. But it's probably why Pansy was over this morning. She now wants details on the couple of the year."

"They can't get to Hogwarts soon enough. I just want them on that train to the castle where Minerva will keep them locked down. And with Harry there teaching"

"They will actually learn something. I wonder if I can get a repeat of our 2nd year dueling club. That was one of my more memorable moments."

"When you landed on your arse?" I laugh again. "Yeah it was very memorable."

"I was thinking when Snape had to rescue Harry. The other hurt actually," he grumbles in a low tone.

"Who would have thought, that all these years later, the two of us would be reminiscing on our days at school on your couch with you still not wearing any clothes."

"I'm decent." I roll my eyes as I look down at the boxers that is the only fabric covering any part of his body. "Boxers are decent. I mean I did entertain two lovely, proper witches dressed as I am. One of the two ladies would have commented if it wasn't appropriate."

"It should have been Pansy. I've seen you in less."

"So has she." He winks.

"Hopefully not as recently as I have." I wink back.

"Well..." no sign of blushing, so I know she hasn't. "She walked in on me in the bathroom a couple months ago... but since us, no."

"Does she have no boundaries? Please tell me she won't just walk in on the two of us one day."

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