Chapter 30 Out Post Sex Talks

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"That was the most"

"Fucking hell what do we call that?"

"You're guess is as good as mine."

"Do you think everyone heard?"

"I did put on a silencing charm, or multiple, but I don't think they were enough."

"I don't think being on the other end of the planet would have not had it echo in the hallways."

"Yeah we were"

"You were love. It think it was all you."

"Uh no. Once I found your tickle spot."

"Which you will never divulge, correct?"

"That is only between us. Promise."

"Good. I can't have that sort of information get out. Could you imagine what Witch Weekly would say? All the women knocking down my door to test it? No that information is strictly yours. You're the first and only person to know that."

"Not even Astoria?"

"Love, I don't think you understand what being married to Astoria was like. Boring. Monotonous. It was like having Binns' class all day every day. Even sex was boring. Think about having sex with Binns. That probably would be more exciting."

"But she had to have some personal knowledge of you that I don't. You two did have a child together."

"Fine, she knows that I really actually think ferrets are cute. Just that I never ever want to be one again. Especially in Goyle's pants. Yours may be a different story though, love."

I started laughing thinking of our post sex talks. When in any alternate reality would anyone think that I would be talking to Draco Malfoy, naked, after sex, about being in Gregory Goyle's pants?

I can't control my laughing, and it felt good. Almost as good as the marathon that had both Harry and Molly pounding on my door to 'keep it down in there'. I still think I heard Ginny laughing in the background both times. It may still be very early, the sun hasn't risen yet, but there is no chance of either Draco or I going to sleep and no need for coffee for either of us.

"Love I do have one, um, concern."

I look over at him confused. "What's that?"

"Well we are still very young."

"Good observation there Malfoy."

"Shut it Granger. What I am worried about is, well we haven't been the um safest. It got me thinking because the last time a woman was in this bed before you we um..." A slight blush covered his cheeks. It might have gone all the way down to the his other cheeks, but right now I'm not looking at those. Well, yet anyways.

"Let me guess, the last time someone of the female persuasion was here Scorpius was conceived?"

He looked up from his sweet bashful blush, slightly relieved that I was the one to utter the words he was looking for ungracefully, "Exactly. I wouldn't mind, but the timing - my father and the damage he's causing, you still married to the redheaded troll, our kids dating, I don't think the time could possibly be any worse."

"From Greg Goyle's pants to Scorpius's conception. Woah what a conversation we are having today," I laugh harder. Now I have to pee. Sex plus laughter equals pee. I never experienced it before, but there are so many things I haven't experienced before Draco. I lean over to kiss him, only to be wrapped up in his arms and pulled down on top of him.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"The loo, unless you want me to pee on you." I see his eyes twinkle impishly. "You cannot even be considering it? No, let me go to the bathroom."

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