Chapter 19 It's Okay to be Scared

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"Draco told me of a Bloodlock. Have either of you heard of such a thing?" I ask sitting with Kingsley and Harry - two of the best aurors and members of the Order back in the last war - who are seated my office.

"Draco? As in Malfoy?" Kingsley questions, causing me to nod. "So your kids are really an item. My wife owes me dinner. She swore Ron would never let that happen."

"He's still swearing," I explain, "but yes. Now Bloodlocks. What are they? He said that the Weasley kids can go easily between the homes if one gets invaded." Harry just looks at me. That knowing, big brother look. "What Harry? You look like you want to say something."

"Ask him. Just ask him." He says flatly, emotionless. "He'll tell you. It would save us all time."

"Fine," I huff.

I notice Kingsley giving Harry a questioning look, which Harry shakes off. I grab a quill and parchment.

Dear Ferret,
Your presence is needed in my office immediately. We will discuss further upon your arrival.

With that, I send the letter off via the owl that is stationed in my office at all times.

"That's short." He cocks an eyebrow my way.

I only saw out of the corner of my eye, focused still on these security measures that we are working on. "To the point, Harry. He'll know."

"I think it's funny that you call him 'ferret' still," he says with a chuckle.

"He came up with it himself. In his first letter to me."

"Ah the famous first letter that came to my house, 'Mione." Bastard is going to get everything come out in front of Kingsley. Damn it. I just glare directly in his green eyes.

"Boy did I miss some good gossip," Kingsley chirps, with an excited look on his face. "I think I shouldn't have retired so soon. Please, Harry, catch me up."

He gives me the 'are you going to tell or me?' look. I take a deep breath, "The kids aren't the only ones in a relationship. There's a reason Ron's overseas so much."

"You finally caught his arse?" Kingsley looks relieved and slightly happy at the news. "Thank Merlin. Now let's get you a rightful separation and happily married elsewhere. You know you have my full support, hell I'll draw up the paperwork for you and present it to the Wizengamot myself. But Draco Malfoy... Huh. Didn't see that one coming. I was leaning to Cormac McLaggan personally. I know he is still hung up on you."

Harry and I look at each other, cracking up. "Oh she tried McLaggan."

"Ugh, don't remind me." I cringe. Arrogant, handsy, muttonhead, cretin he is. I don't expect time did him any service. "One Slug Club party was more than enough."

I think that was the highlight of the day. Harry had an internal memo fly to him moments later, causing him to run off.

After a few brief moments in silence, I could only stare down at my tea cup in my hand, noticeably getting colder by the moment. I broke the painful silence."Kingsley, you retired at just the right time." I lament.

He shook his head in disagreement, "I think they were waiting for you. Or Harry. You well you were just easier. Remember, you were an integral part of the demise of Voldemort. And a muggle-born. Two things that they despise. They were lying in wait for you to take office and then break out," he surmises.

It was the same conclusion I came to last night. This was planned. It was orchestrated.

Merlin, I hope Draco and his donations to my campaign weren't part of it.

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