Chapter 31 I Hate to Impose

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We didn't apologize for anything that morning. Our passion filled screams of ecstasy were heard throughout the Manor. Merlin, I hope Rosie and Scorpius didn't put two and two together and come up with their parents having sex.

"You do realize that you two weren't the only ones here last night?" Harry doesn't really question, rather interrogates me with the tone in his voice.

"Yes I do Harry Potter. So does Draco." Draco had set up a makeshift office for me and Harry in the library of the Manor and we had more than adequate space for both of us, yet he decided to sit on the desk I was utilizing.

"Some of us like our sleep." I look up to see the bags under his eyes. "And there are teenagers in the house, who really don't need any ideas."

"The teenagers here, minus one, are all related. Please. And my daughter is dating the one that isn't related to anyone else."

"Technically he's related to Teddy. So that doesn't work. And there is Teddy and Victoire."

"Excuse me for my one mistake this month." He laughs. He says I am allowed one mistake a week, but I give myself one mistake a month. This is it; not the loud rumpus Draco and I had, but that I forget that Teddy isn't really related to the Weasleys, rather he's related to Draco. "So we have two couples that we have to watch. With all the adult eyes here, I think we can manage."

We receive a patronus charm, one that I recognize instantly as Kingsley's, "Attack. Leaky Cauldron hit. Come immediately. Bring Draco."

Harry and I look at each other. "I'll get Draco, you tell the family. Gather who we can. Message the teams," he nods as I go through the protocol that we set when we were still in the Great Hall of Hogwarts.

"Meet in 10 at the Cauldron?"

I nod. I probably will be there in less time, since I am already out the door of the library and heading to Draco's office. I get to the ebony double doors catching my breath. Another attack. How can there be another attack? And the Leaky Cauldron? It is such a cornerstone for the Wizarding community here in England. The only thought that crossed my mind is not one that I want to think of - that they are preventing muggle-borns from getting their supplies for school. I sigh as I knock on the door before cracking it slightly.

"Scorpius, if that is you" he sounds distraught and tired already. I am not looking forward to telling him this.

"No sorry. It isn't your son." I open the door the rest of the way. His look goes from determined to concerned.

"Where?" All he said was that one word. He could tell what I was here to say without words.

"Leaky Cauldron."

His face twists in an unnatural, confused smirk. "Why in Merlin's name?"

"I have a theory. Merlin, I hope I'm wrong."

He nods. "Brightest bloody witch" he mumbles under his breath. "When are we going?"

"Now." I motion for him to hurry up.

He's grumbling as he puts the finishing notes on something he was working on. "Never keep a woman waiting, my mother always said. Women can keep a man waiting forever and a day; but never the other way around."

We rush to the floo, in silence, but I know there is something irking him. Just before reaching the hearth, I grab his arm. "Talk to me."

"Well work. Then this. And so many Weasley's here. I just want to get to the loft for a quiet, relaxing night. Wine, a nice dinner, you next to me. Some quiet. No matter how much I try, this just doesn't feel like home to me. That is the big thing."

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