Chapter 14 I Appoint You Temporary Minister

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Friday Morning. Ahhh. Just that thought put a smile on my face. Tonight: Dinner with the Malfoy men, some relaxing wine, and then waking up tomorrow morning in the arms of Draco.

Yeah I'm leaving a big part out, because if I dwell on it - which I know I will - it will show on my face and I have an early meeting where Harry is going to be.

"Hugo! Rose! Are you two ready?" I enjoy my long hot sip of coffee.

"I am mum." This is a first. It's my son ready. "I'm going from Aunt Ginny's to Grandma Molls so I have my bag and everything." Who the hell is this kid? Hugo is usually the one I'm dragging out of the house.


"Just a minute mum!"

I hear the pecking at the kitchen window, knowing it is the deliver of our Daily Prophet. Let's see what Skeeter has twisted and how.

The mundane looking owl doesn't even really wait for me to fully open the window before dropping the Prophet into my semi full kitchen sink and a pot soaking from last night. Well I guess that will wait until I get into work. Unless the Potters let me read theirs.

Once my daughter is finally ready, it isn't like we won't be home to get ready for her date - or is there something I don't know? - we finally end up in the Potter's home.

"Don't read the Prophet." I am warned upon our arrival from Harry.

"What now?" I collapse into a chair in his study. "Mine ended up in the spaghetti sauce pan that I was soaking." He laughs. "Fine, I appoint you temporary Minister for the next month. I feel cursed. This whole week has been trash."

"Do you need us to watch Hugo tonight?"

"How did you?" He held up the Prophet. There with a large photograph was the headline:

Couple of the Year: Scorpius Malfoy and Rose Granger-Weasley
The young couple seems to have the approval of both Draco Malfoy, former Death Eater and businessman extraordinaire, and Hermione Granger-Weasley, Minister of Magic and member of the famous Golden Trio.

That's as far as I got. "Ugh Harry!" I groan.

"I know. But we have work. We'd better..."

"I appointed you temporary Minister." I know what he's going to say anyways, so I drag my arse out of the chair and head towards the fireplace.

"Nope. I don't accept. This is you. You've never backed down from a challenge. Don't let Skeeter break you."

"Next week, you get Hugo and Rose. I'm taking a - shall we say - vacation."

"Ron will be back."

"FUCK MY LIFE!" My head hits the mantle to the fireplace before going in and floo-ing to the Ministry.

The only thing that kept me going through the day was the thought of Draco and dinner. I had a goofy grin on my face as I walked into my office to sit down and breathe - also known as 'lunch'.

"I can tell you haven't read the whole story or else you would have blown up the Prophet by now. I was thinking something from your brother-in-law's stores, but that would be too obvious." I smile crept on my face as the owner of the voice sat casually in my office, feet propped up on my coffee table, reading the paper. "I got you a chicken cesar salad and some chocolate. I seem to remember in school that chocolate was always something the guys would give you if you were about to explode. I didn't know what type you liked, so there's something of everything in the bigger of the bags."

"My copy ended up in the sink, in our spaghetti pot from last night. I almost would say it was on purpose."

"Let's just say the first sentence was the most flattering." He pulled the paper down and I finally got to see the handsome face and his sterling eyes that melt my insides. "And I guess spaghetti is off the menu for tonight. I know better anyways, spaghetti doesn't work for dates. Well it does, but outfits get ruined and then there needs to be a change of clothes and then the clothes come off..." smirking at me with his eyes glowing still. I can only roll my eyes and shake my smiling head. He knows how to arouse me and is playing it up.

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